Guide Olaf League of Legends S6

Berserker Rage

(Innate): For every 1% of his health missing, Olaf's attack speed increases by 1%.

Tips :

Quick for an old Viking!

Up to nearly 100% extra attack speed
An excellent passive that makes Olaf so powerful throughout the game.
In effect, in early in 1 v 1 it is difficult to confront an Olaf because of his exceptional attack speed which lets him draw first blood. In teamfight if Olaf takes damages but doesn't fall it will be difficult to stop him because because he will attack quickly and can also heal himself with a lifesteal.

A very useful passive for killing the jungle but also to create original openings like you can see in the section on gameplay.

The synergy is formidable between this passive and the items where the summoner's spells create a shield like Malmortius or the Shield. Olaf profits from the attack speed bonus from the passive without being exposed to the risk of death. This could therefore surprise your opponent and push him to make an error.

The attack speed bonus is calculated by the basic attack speed of the champion and no the total speed. Otherwise this would mean that an attack speed of 1.3 with Olaf would give him 2.5 attacks per second when he is nearly dead. Not bad for an old Viking!

Undertow (Q)

(Active): Olaf throws an axe to a target location, dealing physical damage to units it passes through and slowing them for 2.5 seconds. If Olaf picks up the axe, the ability's cooldown is reduced by 4.5 seconds.

  • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • Range: 1000
  • Missile Speed: 1600
Tips :

Olaf's axe splashes on his way. Water apparently isn't a conductor in LoL, that would have made it a strong combo with the E.

You must prove yourself to be mischievous to use this spell well!

Olaf's skillshot , a spell that requires a lot of skill since it needs to be cast to touch the opponent while anticipating the fact that you need to collect the axe from its impact point to reduce the cooldown of the spell.

The spell creates vision and therefore shows up opponents, like the jungler in the bush.

A would be to not send ou the axe at maximum range and to place it in the direction your opponent will go to escape, making it possible to collect your axe just by following your opponent.

This spell is also very useful to push the lane. It is possible for Olaf to touch the whole wave with his axe, to place a couple of hits on the melee minions (to reduce their HP) while collecting it, and to then relance the axe to kill the whole wave in just a few seconds. There are many possible aims; return to the base, push until the opposing tower, move for a gank or a dragon. In other words, using this spell to push is often a very useful choice.

Reducing the cooldown is very efficient with this spell since the reduction is calculated in terms of the total recovery time for this spell, however when you collect the axe it reduces the initial recovery time to 4,5 secondes regardless of the value of the cooldown reduction. Also with 40% of the cooldown reduction, the spell has a recovery time of 0,3 secondes while collecting the axe, in other words, throwing the axe at close range does a lot of damage…

The range of Olaf's A and the famous axe, ready to be collected, shows up with a blue aura beneath it.

    Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 mana

    Physical Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage)

    Slow: 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40 %

Vicious Strikes (W)

(Active): For 6 seconds, Olaf's attack damage is increased and he gains life steal and spell vamp.

  • Cooldown: 12 seconds
Tips :

Olaf's hands illuminate to show his opponent that he is going to get it.

Damages, lifesteal and spellvamp, will that be all?

Sustain on the lane en masse
This spell gives Lifesteal, Spellvamp, and damages. The Spellvamp works on the axe, but also on the Reckless Swing! This would allow you to heal yourself and take fewer damages with the E in the lane phase, but also during confrontations to increase Olaf's destructive abilities. For jungle Olafs this will be very useful since the smite activates the Spellvamp which heals him, you should, therefore, be very careful to be under the effect of the Z when you activate the smite.

This spell is also especially interesting when used or re-used when Olaf has lost some HP, since he will be able to heal more by hitting faster.

One classic error is to activate the spell too early, you should not use this spell except to inflict some extra damages if you haven't made a kill, or in the time needed to approach your opponent if you are about to begin an attack, the 6 second bonus will have already started.

    Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 mana

    Attack Damage: 7 / 14 / 21 / 28 / 35 (+1% of his maximum health)

    Lifesteal & Spell Vamp: 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 %

Reckless Swing (E)

    Ragnarok (R)



      Not affected by controls, nor bumps, nor suppressions from an ultimate, making this champion difficult to gank.

      Very powerful in the early which lets him have the advantage by playing aggressively

      Inflicts pure damages

      The Z applies some sustain in lane, and the A allows you to slow your target



      Although Olaf doesn't fear controls, the opponents can survive with the aid of the movement speed bonus.

      Olaf is very powerful in the early/mid, especially thanks to his pure damages, but he possesses fewer damages in the late game.