Guide Graves League of Legends S6

(Innate): Graves gains 1 / 2 / 3 bonus armor and magic resistance every second he remains in combat. This bonus stacks up to 10 times. Graves is considered in combat if he has dealt or received damage in the last 3 seconds

Tips :

Bonus resistance.

It's time to du-du-du-du-du-DUEL !

   The tough carry!

A very good passive ability which makes Graves a good duelist. The passive charges up between each auto attack or spell that you use. You should keep it at max stacks which consequently gives you an advantage over your opponent IN LANE compared to Kog’Maw’s passive for example.

Thanks to this passive, you must try to harass your opponent to win trades with your bonus resistance.

Be careful to check that you still have stacks before duelling someone, or you will not benefit from this amazing ability. To be sure it doesn’t happen, keep an eye on the buff icon that is generally above your skills.


(Active): Graves fires three bullets in a cone, dealing physical damage to all enemies in their path. Enemies at close range can be hit by multiple projectiles, but each bullet beyond the first will deal only 35% damage.

  • Range: 750
Tips :

The closer your enemy is, the more damage he’ll take.

At close range, it hurts.

Come and taste my shotgun!

Buckshot is Graves’ main ability. This cone shaped spell deals more damage if the target is closer.

It can be used in several ways such as to depush, harass, burst, etc.

The spell has a pretty high mana cost, be careful to not spam it all the time but to use it for a specific purpose like to harass or burst.

Note that this is the 'shotgun' gameplay idea, damages taken by your target are higher if he is closer to you.

    Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 mana

    Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds

    Physical Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+0.8 per bonus attack damage)

    Max Physical Damage: 102 / 161.5 / 221 / 280.5 / 340 (+1.36 per bonus attack damage)

Smokescreen (W)

(Active): Graves fires a smoke canister at the target area, dealing magic damage upon landing and creating a cloud of smoke for 4 seconds. Enemies inside the smoke cloud will be slowed and will have their vision reduced by 675 range; everything else will look like it is in the Fog of War.

  • Range: 700
  • Area of effect radius: 500
Tips :

Smoke Screen reduces the opponents’ vision.

A very powerful utility skill!

   ”I’ll switch off the lights!”

Smoke Screen is a very useful spell for an AD carry. It allows you to reduce the enemy carry’s vision in order to increase your duelling ability and to counter ganks as well as Twisted Fate and Pantheon if you place it on their landing point. It’s also a good help for your jungler when he comes to gank since you can both slow the opponents and prevent them from seeing him.

This bomb can be used in many different ways, and mastering it completely can take quite some time.

It’s nonetheless very powerfull and can zone the opponents during a chase or during a teamfight. Don’t forget to use it as often as possible.

    Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 mana

    Cooldown: 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 seconds

    Magic Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+0.6 per ability power)

    Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 %

Quickdraw (E)

(Active): Graves dashes forwards, gaining an attack speed boost for 4 seconds. Using autoattacks on enemy units, but not structures, lowers the cooldown of Quickdraw by 1 second each autoattack.

  • Cost: 50 mana
  • Range: 425
Tips :

You can go through the walls with Quickdraw.

Ensure your role as a carry.

   A cowboy steroid!

Thanks to Quickdraw (E), Graves has a good AD carry boost.

Auto attacking lowers the cooldown of the spell by one second, which is the perfect way to have a short cooldown with a good attack speed during the end game.

In addition to increasing your attack speed, the spell allows to dash in the chosen direction, so you can dodge skillshots. You can also find a better spot during teamfights thanks to it, to reach a safer place or on the opposite to engage a fight by getting closer to the enemies in order to increase your Buckshot damage.

Finally, you can also go through walls such as the ones near the drake and the red lizard.

    Cooldown: 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 seconds

    Attack Speed: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 %

Collateral Damage (R)

(Active): Graves fires an explosive shell in a straight line, dealing heavy physical damage to the first champion it hits (also damages non-champion enemies whilst in flight). After hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range, the shell explodes dealing physical damage in a cone behind the target.

  • Cost: 100 mana
  • Range: 1000
  • Cone Range: 800
  • Cone Width:
Tips :

The missile is kind of small so try to don’t miss your target.

By hitting his target, this ultimate will deal damage in an area of effect.


An excellent ultimate that adds even more burst to Graves with his Buckshot. Graves’ ultimate is more or less an instant Miss Fortune’s ultimate.

Do your best to deal as much damage as possible during a quick duel or a teamfight.

However, note that the missile is almost as small as Caitlyn’s ultimate. Don’t get carried away and don’t waste it, it would be too bad to miss your target.

    Cooldown: 100 / 90 / 80 seconds

    Initial Physical Damage: 250 / 350 / 450 (+1.4 per bonus attack damage)

    Explosion Physical Damage: 140 / 250 / 360 (+1.2 per bonus attack damage)


Good pusher

Powerful in 1 v 1 thanks to passive   Snowballs quickly thanks to ratios   A strong smokebomb   Capable of escaping with ease   Pretty solid for an AD carry   Lotsa burst





Short range

Must resist in combat to benefit from his passive

Entirely dependent on stuff to do damage

Pretty manavorous