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Guide: How to Increase the Number of Apps Displayed on the PS4s Home Screen

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We reckon that the PlayStation 4’s user interface is incredibly slick, but there is one major flaw that lets the overall design down. This pertains to the main content ribbon, which can extend for an eternity if you’ve got a lot of games and apps installed. Thankfully, PS4 firmware update v2.00 fixes this issue by stashing everything other than your 15 most recently used apps in the ‘Library’ area.

Of course, if you’re not keen on this solution, you can revert back to the old format. Here’s how you do it.

1. Go to Settings

From the PS4’s home screen, push up to reach the top layer of the system’s menu, and select the toolbox labelled ‘Settings’ to the far right.

2. Enter the System submenu

Scroll down the list of options that appear until you reach ‘System’, and select it.

3. Disable the condensed content option

In the list of settings that appear, you’ll find a check box labelled ‘Limit Number of Content Items on Home Screen’. Click on this to uncheck it, and your content will be arranged as it was prior to PS4 firmware update v2.00. To revert back to the condensed option, simply repeat the above steps, ensuring to tick the aforementioned box.