Switch sides in the Operation Eagle DLC for Dead Rising 3. Instead of the usual protagonist, you’ll be in control of a military saboteur during the events of DR3′s main story, infecting safe-zones and causing all kinds of spec-ops havoc.
Take the trip through Los Perdidos and survive the downloadable adventure with the zombie-hunters at Game Front. You’ll find the complete story walkthrough complete with screenshots below.
Still working through the apocalyptic madness of the vanilla campaign? Check out the full Dead Rising 3 video walkthrough. For even more extra help, check out the blueprint guides on our list of Dead Rising 3 cheats.
A security room in Los Pardidos has recorded every event that occurred during the city’s zombie outbreak. The honorable commander Adam Kane will lead his troops into the city, but will quickly become separated. Once on the ground, grab whatever supplies you can find and head towards the aqueduct.
While heading towards the main objective, make a stop at the secondary waypoint to regroup with your soldiers. Retrieve the dog tags and continue forward. If you happen to find a living soldier, collect them and get them ready for duty.
Reach the street level and neutralize hostile soldiers in the area. Follow the waypoint to the cargo and locate Hancock. Kill the zombie soldier and retrieve his tags. Fight across the bridge to locate Brady and his tags.
Find the downed military chopper and grab the larvae on the ground. Acquire the black box inside, and pick up Chang’s dog tags from the rubble. Climb on the nearby truck to reach the waypoint on the second floor. Head to the door and neutralize the illegal safe zone. Other safe zones will be scattered around the city.
Head towards Han’s location and collect the tags. Enter the compound and find the controls to close the gate. Pick up some weapons at the supply drop and use them to clear the zombie hoards in the taxi compound.
Once all of the zombies are neutralized, head up to the roof. Grab the flare gun in the supply box and shoot it into the air. Military backup will arrive at the taxi compound to secure the area. Fight your way towards Charlie unit’s supplies. Locate Dickson at the nearby strip club.
Enter the warehouse and slaughter the zombies in the area. Enter Charlie unit’s armadillo and drive it to the base. Make sure it does not get destroyed. If you come across a blocked road, take the long way around. Use your map to find a route if necessary. Locate Jefferson at the gas station along the way.
Drive through the military blockade and cross the bridge. Enter base camp through the gate and park the armadillo in the garage to return the supplies. Grab another vehicle and travel to the stage in search of the President.
Locate Tucson’s tags in the Japanese building next to the bridge. Haverman and Wakowski will also be located in the area. Follow the objectives to their locations and collect the tags. Reach the museum and begin to neutralize the President’s military forces.
Once all of the military forces in the area have been eliminated, investigate the stage and pick up the GPS tracker. Locate Dutch near the police station, and head towards Rodriguez. Pick up the tags and return your attention to the President.
Track the President’s location and cross the destroyed bridge. Pick up Colin’s tags and locate the mayor’s mansion. Enter by jumping over the wooden gate, and fight your way up. Neutralize the secret service and traps that have been planted to stop you.
The first entrance has been barricaded by the secret service. Traverse around the side of the mansion to find a secondary entrance. Neutralize all of the President’s forces and enter the building. Pick up the mansion’s room key on the second floor and use it to reach the President. Bring her safely back to base camp.