Top 9 Uncharted 3 Game Fails

Top Uncharted 3 Game Fails

uncharted 3 game fails

The Uncharted series is well regarded for its single player campaign. It's the reason anyone buys the game. But the latest installment of the franchise—Uncharted 3—includes an equally good multiplayer mode that was thoroughly tested months before the game's release this year.

More than just a Call of Duty clone, the multiplayer experience is a full fledged one, with a variety of gameplay elements unique to the Uncharted franchise.

We've compiled a list of game fails from both the single and multiplayer modes, some of which are glitches that should've otherwise been detected by Naughty Dog's QA department, and others of which are simply player mistakes committed in multiplayer. The effects of either are hilarious, to say the least.

#9 Stuck in a Box

First up, we have an instance where Nathan Drake gets stuck in a box after falling from a ledge.

#8 Grenade Fail

This player tosses a live grenade from cover, but it bounces off the wall and lands at his feet. Ah, the beauty of physics.

#7 Who killed whom first

In co-op mode, Nathan Drake takes out an helicopter while being simultaneously killed by a rocket. Judging from the video, it's no question that the characters in Uncharted are impervious to bullets and explosions.

#6 Train Fail

This video shows what happens when you don't look both ways when crossing the train tracks in this particular multiplayer map. The effects are every bit as humorous as when you get run over by a train in Team Fortress 2.

#5 Rocket Launcher Fail

Rocket launchers are serious business, especially when you accidentally launch them at your teammate. Keep your tunnel vision in check, folks.

#4 The roof is weak

You never know what will kill you in multiplayer. One moment, you could be running around looking for a place to snipe, and the next thing you know, the sky's falling onto you.

#3 Grenade Suicide

Grenades. There's never a dull day when players mess up their aiming and their timing and end up blowing themselves to kingdom come. That the character had time to yell "shit!" when he realized his mistake is gold.

#2 Instant Teleportation

This player was about to kill another at close range when his game glitched and teleported him all the way across the map. Nice work on that QA, Naughty Dog.

#1 Poor Aim

This player should learn to put down the sniper rifle and trade it in for something he's actually good at.