Destiny: The Taken King Guide - How to Get The Chaperone

Update: This guide has been updated with tips on how to complete the Crucible challenges of this quest.

There are plenty of new Exotic weapons to be acquired and equipped in the newly released Destiny: The Taken King. Among them are Exotic Swords and an Exotic Scout Rifle called Touch of Malice, which require you to go on a series of quests to acquire.

There's also an Exotic Shotgun called The Chaperone. This guide will show you how to find it. 

What is so special about The Chaperone? 

The Chaperone is a Solar elemental weapon rather unlike most shotguns, which do plain kinetic damage. 

Its perks include the following:

The Roadborn – Precision kills briefly grant bonus handling, range and precision damage.

The Survivor – Three rapid precision kills while Born on the Road is active will return two rounds to the chamber.

The Chaperone – Fires a single precision slug. Grants Agility boost.

As an Exotic, you will be able to infuse it with any other weapons you find that have higher Attack stats to increase its damage. 

How to get the The Chaperone Exotic Shotgun

Acquiring the weapon requires you to complete an Exotic quest line called "Jolly Holliday" provided by Amanda Holliday, the Tower's shipwright. 

You'll get the quest once you've completed the main story in The Taken King and reach rank 3 in Crucible reputation. 

The first task is to kill enemy Guardians in the Crucible while you have an Exotic Handcannon called The Last Word equipped. The only way to get The Last Word is through finding it in a random Exotic Engram drop, as a random Crucible reward, or buying it through Xur. The weapon was largely popular prior to the release of The Taken King, so many players already have the Year One version of it.

How to earn renown with The Last Word quickly and easily

If you die while you have The Last Word equipped, you will lose any renown that you earn from kiling other players. The best way to complete this challenge is to have The Last Word equipped only when you have a Super or Heavy Ammo available to you, and hammer on the enemy. Unequip it as soon as you Super wears off or if you run out of ammo and you won't lose renown for dying. If you're good with a secondary weapon like a Sniper Rifle or a Shotgun, you can use those to kill enemies instead of The Last Word.

When you've completed the quest, return to Amanda Holliday to receive the "Fiscal Persuasion" quest. This requires you to spend 15,000 Glimmer at the Cryptarch on a "generous donation" for Tex Mechanica. 

Turn that in, and you'll get the next quest "Buckshot Bruiser", which requires you to use any shotgun to kill enemy Guardians in the Crucible and Ultras in PVE with a shotgun. This time around, you won't lose renown if you die, so you can take your time with this part of the quest.

Once you're done, return to Holliday again to start "Two for the Road", which sends you off to defeat the Shield Brothers in the new Strike in The Taken King's Dreadnaught zone. Keep in mind that you'll need to do this in the mission's specified difficulty level (290 Light). You do not need to land the killing blow to receive credit for the quest, so don't worry about playing with strangers. All that needs to happen is for one of the players to land the killing blow with a shotgun. Most, if not all of the players you'll be teamed up with will be on the same quest as you.

When you're done, return to Amanda Holliday and she'll give you a quest called "Bide Your Time." Just wait until the weekly reset on Tuesday. Return to her and you'll complete the quest and receive The Chaperone.

Be sure to check out our guides on the fastest way to earn Legendary Marks, Infusing weapons and armor, the fastest way to raise your light level, and how the Exotic Blueprint system works.