Dark Souls 2 Keys Locations Guide

In order to progress through Dark Souls 2, you will have to collect numerous key items along your path, and some that are off the beaten track. Not only will they let you continue your quest, they will also lead you to treasure and advantages. Work your way through our Dark Souls 2 locations guide to gather the keys with ease and grant yourself total access to the game’s maps.

Lenigrast’s Key: You can get this key from Melentia in the Forest of Fallen Giants. You’ll have to pay, but unlocking Blacksmith Lenigrast’s shop in Majula is worth it, right?

Soldier Key: Destroy The Last Giant boss to earn the solider key, which will open numerous doors in the Forest of Fallen Giants.

Key to King’s Passage: Find your next Dark Souls 2 key in the highest room of Drangleic Castle. Don’t sweat it; you get to take the lift up. The key unlocks a door near the bottom of the lift in the castle.

Bastille Key: Having defeated the Belfry boss, the dogs and dark spirit on the ground, you’ll see this key on a corpse on the ground. With this key you can open the cells of Lost Bastille, which will help with the Lost Sinner battle.

Iron Key: Retrieve the Iron Key after tackling the Smelter Demon, by pulling the lever up the ladder near the bonfire. This deactivates the perpetual flame trap protecting the key’s location. Once you have the key, you’ll be able to pass through the door before The Last Giant boss in The Forest of Fallen Giants.

House Key: Locate Cale the Cartographer in a cave within the Forest of the Giants, past the rooftops you jump down, and talk to him. This Dark Souls 2 key will allow you to enter the abandoned house in Majula.

Undead Lockaway Key: Once in the Huntsman’s Corpse area you can find the key in a prison right of a small wooden bridge across the water. The Undead Lockaway Key unlocks the prison in the Huntsman’s Corpse.

Brightstone Key: After defeating Duke Tseldora you’ll discover this key, which opens a chest full of a Fire Seed, Great Fireball and the Black Knight Ultra Greatsword. Don’t be put off by the cascading spiders!

Forgotten Key: The Forgotten Key is given its name after being dropped down numerous ledges between two enemies in Black Gulch. If you can get it, you will be able to access Darkdiver Grandahl though an arched door in Black Gulch. This Dark Souls 2 key item also enables you to pass through the door to Havel’s equipment and enjoy the finds of 3 chests in Majula.

Antiquated Key: The next key location is around the Tower Apart bonfire in Lost Bastille and with it you can unlock the door in the boarded room of Lost Bastille.

Fang Key: Upon its death, you’ll receive the Fang Key from a Lion Knight by the Shaded Ruins. With the key you can enter Weaponsmith Ornifex in the Shaded Woods.

Tseldora Den Key: This key can be attained from Duke Tseldora in his chamber and lets you through a door in the Brightstone Cove church to access treasure.

Aldia Key: The main hall of Aldia’s Keep will contain the last key of our Dark Souls 2 locations guide, which opens the mansion in Aldia.

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