PS Vita error code NW-13347-8 fix: unable to connect to the PSN using Wi-Fi

If you are getting an error code NW-13347-8 are not able to connect to the PlayStation network using Wi-Fi on your PlayStation Vita then you can easily solve this problem with the help of this guide.

PS Vita error code

If other devices are able to connect through Wi-Fi and only PlayStation Vita is not, then do the following:

  • Go to Settings > Network > Wi-Fi Settings
  • Be sure that the Network connection is properly set. Check that the access point, security type and password are correct.

If other devices are also not able to access Wi-Fi, be sure that the Access point is properly connected.

If you were successfully connecting your Vita in the past and are facing this issue now, check that the access point, security type and password are not changed since the last time you connected Wi-Fi.

If you are still having trouble connecting, do the following:

  • Verify the Router's initial settings
  • Verify that the Router's cable connection and battery are working properly
  • Try to be as closer to the access point as possible
  • Check for IP address, DNS server, or Proxy settings on your PS Vita by going to
    • Settings > Network > Internet Connection Status
  • If these settings are set to 'manual' change them to 'automatic'
  • Verify that the WEP key is set correctly. 'WEP' is the security type of the access point.