Watch Dogs Hacking and Tailing Tactics

The online multiplayer feature in Ubisoft's latest release, Watch Dogs will see you play in two modes; you’ll either hack another player or have to trail them. Both scenarios can be great fun, but also very frustrating! With the help of our best of hacking and trailing tactics guide, you can get the upper hand over your opponent and fulfil objectives like the expert you are, or at least think you are.


Next: Hints and Tips for target players

Being the Fixer requires you to hack an opponent without being detected and to then install a backdoor without being profiled in the meantime. How you go about this really depends on your playing style and strengths, we’ve gathered the best tactics for you to incorporate in your strategy. They vary from getting subtly close to working from afar. Be warned, the target will try to kill you in order to win, so pick your method carefully.

Crafting Tips

: If things get a little heated with the target on top of you, use your Blackout item to reduce visibility. This will let you get closer to the target without them seeing you, but remember the Blackout effect is only temporary, which you can learn more about in our Crafting Skills article here.

Violence Tips

Stay off Target: Although you can’t hit the target, you can hit things around them. Use this to your advantage by damaging things and causing explosions to distract the target. While they search your wreckage, you can get into a great hiding spot or flee the area to avoid them. Therefore it’s best done from a distance to give yourself more time.

Hacking Tips

Infrastructure Crack: Your target will be looking for you with steely determination, but there are ways to trick and confuse them. Hack equipment in the area, like a bridge or steam pipe, to throw the target off your scent. The further you are from these distractions the better; otherwise you’re just leading the target to yourself. That wouldn’t be very wise now would it?

Riding the L-Train: One way to access your target within a close range is to utilise the L-train in Watch Dogs. Be careful not to be spotted though! You can start and stop the L-train to draw your target in, then trap them inside it and continue your observation with ease.

Stealth Tips

Cat and Mouse: Get up close and personal with your target by attempting to blend in with crowds, the target should think of you as just another citizen. Alternatively you could hide behind an object near them, like a statue or newsstand, then circle around it to keep out of the target’s sight. This method is not for the faint hearted; one false step and you’ll be running for your life.

Driving: Riding a bike may get you around fast and through paths that are too tight for cars, which are great advantages when appropriate. However it is a telltale sign of a Fixer, so you may be better of driving a car that blends in with the area. A flashy car wouldn’t give you very good cover in Pawnee for example, it’s more important to be bland than bright in this game.

Elevation: When people look for things, they don’t instinctively look above or below themselves. Thus, try to locate hiding spots with aerial views or ones that keep you below the line of sight.

Expect the Unexpected: Take ‘blending in’ to the next step with this Watch Dogs tip. Do everything like the civilians do. This isn’t complicated, but can be very effective. Go join a group of people talking and react when they do, only you’ll know the difference. Even when it comes to parking your car, if you do it strangely you’ll become obvious to the target. On the other hand you can use this knowledge to double bluff and watch your target checking irregularities while you’re out of the way.

Parking Garages: If the target does locate you, don’t let them trap you in a corner. Heading to large multi-storey car parks can work in your favour here, especially if they have many exists. There are numerous places to hide in car parks and vehicles available to steal for fleeing from your opponent.

Patience is a Virtue: Remember, if you’re playing online your opponent is probably another person just like you. People tend to be tense when playing competitively, which could make them impatient. Wait until the timer nearly out to make your move and your opponent could be annoyed enough to make silly mistakes. I think we’ve all been there - frustration certainly doesn’t help gameplay.

Towers of Power: As you will have experienced in collecting the ctOS Towers, those areas are tricky to manoeuvre. Take advantage of their complexity by hiding amidst the puzzle.

Have you got any Hints and Tips for hacking and tailing in Watch Dogs? Share them in the comments below.

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