The Last of Us Remastered: Hidden Easter eggs

Now that The Last of Us has been remastered in full HD and is available in the USA, we thought it’s a good time to refresh your memories to some of the games hidden content. The Last of Us Remastered is full to the brim with Collectibles and Easter eggs scattered throughout the game. The Easter eggs usually contain hidden references to other naughty dog titles such as Uncharted. Although these items wont add to your 100% completion of the game, the Easter eggs are much more rare and an easier way to get bragging rights over your friends.


Jak and Daxter:

Plush Toy:

During The Suburbs (Chapter 6), you can enter a child’s bedroom immediately after meeting up with Henry and Sam. Inside this room on the dresser, two Jak and Daxter Plush Toys can be found.

Board Game:

Further in the chapter, during the part where you enter a toy store, a Jak and Daxter board game can be found on one of the shelves opposite an uncharted board game.


Several branded items of clothing can be unlocked for Ellie upon completing the game. These items are Jak Goggles, A Daxter Rucksack, and a Jak and Daxter shirt and hoody.


Inside the O’sullivan’s pub you can find a Coffee cart entitled “Java Jak”.


In the Pittsburgh (Chapter 5) you can find a poster about employee rights near the note that mentions the mob attack. If you look closely you will find that the poster is made by the JAK Company and has a phone number printed on it reading 1-800-555-TLOU (The Last of Us)


The Shambalas:

During Bills Town (Chapter 4), you can search through the magazines in his secret cellar until you see a leaflet for a music band known as “The Shambalas”. This is a reference to one of the cities that Nathan Drake, the lead character of the uncharted series is searching for.

The Movie:

In the hotel in Pittsburgh (Chapter 5), one of the hotel rooms contains a newspaper on the ground with a headline that reads “Uncharted 13: A Lush Movie – Justin Beiber as Drake.” Which is another reference to Nathan Drake.

The O’Sullivans Bar:

Later on during Pittsburgh (Chapter 5) you can find a bar near the Pittsburgh bridge that is very similar in appearance to the pub featured in the opening credits of uncharted 3: Drakes Deception. The name of the bar seems to refer to drakes partner in uncharted, Victor Sullivan.

Plush Toy:

An Uncharted Plush toy can be found in the same bedroom as the Jak and Daxter plush toys. This one is located on the bed in the room.

Board Game:

An Uncharted board game can be found in the same toy store as the Jak and Daxter Board game mentioned above during the Suburbs (Chapter 6).


Beating the game can also unlock uncharted themed clothing for Ellie.

Uncharted Theme:

Ellie is taught how to whistle the uncharted theme in one of the games conversations (optional)


An NDI sticker can be found on the wall inside one of the bathroom stalls in the Bus depot. These stickers are identical to the ones found in Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception.

Naughty Dog:


In the Suburbs (Chapter 6), you can find a naughty dog-branded mousepad in one of the rooms you can access after meeting Henry and Sam. The mousepad is located on the computer desk.

Have you found any more hidden Easter eggs in The Last of Us? Let us know in the comments below!

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