Call of Duty: Black Ops Guide

Call of Duty: Black Ops Guide

Unofficial Call of Duty: Black Ops Guide by vhayste for

Welcome to our guide to Black Ops. This guide is packed with videos, one for each piece of Intel, plus we've got all the achivements covered. It also contains a complete game walkthrough, each piece of Intel is dealt with both as you play through the game and seperately in it's own section at the end of the game.

We hope you enjoy the guide... Dive in!


Operation 40

Watch the short scene and shoot the guard when given the chance. Ready your weapon then go outside. The police will be waiting there so shoot their cars to make them explode and get rid of them faster.

Objective: Escape the police

Follow Woods and fight your way through. Two police cars will charge in so don't stand in the middle of the street. Don't forget to get rid of police that will disembark from these cars as well. Continue moving ahead and you'll eventually come across a heavy police barricade. Run to the left to the alley then get on the car.

Objective: Get off the streets

Press and hold LT to reverse, then RT to drive. You don't have to control the car; just floor it and watch the following scenes.

Objective: Use zipline to infiltrate the compound

Stack up behind Woods then press and hold X to use the zipline. After landing, enter the room and kill the guard.

Objective: Find and kill Castro

Don't shoot or run outside or you'll fail the mission. Just stay behind Woods until he orders you to move up. Kill the guards along the way. Go upstairs and wait for Woods and Bowman to open the doors. Kill the guards inside; before you move out, grab the intel by the crate beside the RPG.

Operation 40 Intel 1/3

Go upstairs and enter the manor. There will be a lot of enemies waiting inside and there's a lot of cover as well so use them as you move around. Don't trust Woods too much in clearing the path as he tends to go past enemy soldiers. Clear the path until you reach a door.

Stack up with Woods and breach in. Everything will go in slow-mo so just aim and shoot the guards. The next door has Castro inside so stack up once again behind Woods and as soon as you open the door, aim for Castro's head and shoot him to get the achievement 'Death to Dictators'. (In the video, I got the achievement on an earlier playthrough so the achievement didn't pop up)

Death to Dictators Achievement

Objective: Escape the compound

After killing Castro, head outside and kill the soldiers ahead. Go through the door and you'll be inside the burning manor. The second intel is located here; refer to the video below:

Operation 40 Intel 2/3

Provide fire support to Woods, then go downstairs to the courtyard. There are more enemies waiting outside, as well as a .50 cal so dig in and take them out behind cover. Don't forget that you can also shoot the trucks and let the explosions do the rest. Wait for a bit and a BTR will appear from the left, bringing in more soldiers. Stay in cover and take out enemy soldiers; wait for the signal to move out.

Objective: Get to the Airfield, Rappel down to the airfield
Go through the sugar cane fields and you'll be in a cliff overlooking the airfield. Hold X to rappel down. The last intel in the area is just inside the hangar in front of you. Check the video below:

Operation 40 Intel 3/3

Now sprint to the other hangar where the evac is located. Hop in and provide covering fire. Just aim at the barrels and vehicles to get rid of several enemies at once. Once you jump off the plane, run to the ZPU and aim at the blockade to complete the mission.



Objective: Escape Vorkuta

Step 1: Secure the Keys

Watch the scenes and once prompted, hit the guard.

Step 2: Ascend from darkness

Step 3: Rain fire

Run along the tunnels and kill any guards that will stop you along the way. Ride the elevator with the others. Pick up the Makarov from the fallen soldier and wait for the mg fodder to open the door. Once open, sprint and duck behind the mining cart to avoid getting chewed up by the MG. Stay behind the cart and take care of the soldiers on both sides. After stopping a bit, wait for the other prisoners to blow up the tower ahead and open the gate. Follow Reznov.

Step 4: Unleash the horde

Follow Reznov to the building. Go upstairs and find the intel on the shelf, near the comms.

Vorkuta Intel 1/3

Continue upstairs and man the slingshot. You need to destroy the three targets. You can unlock the achievement, 'Slingshot Kid' by destroying three targets without missing. The trick here is to pull the slingshot all the way back, make sure the bottom point of the crosshair is aligned and over to the yellow dot on the target's name. Refer to the video below to know more. If you missed, you can just Save and Quit, then resume the game to try again.

Slingshot Kid achievement

Step 5: Skewer the winged beast

After destroying the targets, rendezvous with Reznov and grab yourself a shotgun. Shoot the locks and kill the two soldiers nearby. Grab their AK's then take the alley to the right. Shoot the RPG soldier on the roof. More soldiers will arrive so get rid of them. Move behind the buildings to reach the next building. Go upstairs and grab the harpoon. Shoot the helicopter to bring it down.

Get to the Armory

Step 6: Wield a fist of Iron

Go downstairs and head to the next building. Grab the Ak with Grenade Launcher near the entrance and use it to effectively take out the enemies behind cover. Clear the next hallway, go upstairs and do the same. The door will start to close but Sergei will stop it for you. Slide under and head to the next room. Open the door so your allies can assist you, then check the dark room beside the stairs for another intel. Check the video below for further reference.

Vorkuta Intel 2/3

After that, go upstairs and follow Reznov to the annex. There will be heavily armed guards that will breach in so ready your shotgun to take them out easily. Take out more guards and follow Reznov as he attempts to open the vault door. Stay nearby and take out enemies as they come. Once Reznov opens the vault, go inside and grab the Mini-gun.

Step 7: Raise hell

Go through the opening on the wall and go outside. Advance and sweep the area for enemies. You should have more than enough ammo until you reach the next objective.

Step: 8: Freedom

Once you've regained consciousness, don't ride the bike yet. The mission's last intel is located in one of the racks behind Reznov.

Vorkuta Intel 3/3

Ride the bike and make your escape. Shoot all targets along the way until you get the prompt to commandeer an mg truck. Use the mg to take out as many enemies as you can. You'll finally get the chance to jump off to the train and complete the mission.


This 'mission' is just a whole long scene let's just skip to the next one.


Executive Order

Objective: Infiltrate Baikonur Cosmodrome
Just follow Woods and duck behind the pipe ahead to avoid getting seen by the patrol chopper. Follow Woods again then vault over the pipe when prompted to. Approach the guards from behind and take out the one standing. Carry the body to the debris.

Objective: Clear the com building
After donning the disguise, head up the road to meet up with the others. Follow them until you reach the Comm building. Once inside, clear each floor then make your way up to the 3rd floor. The intel is located on the table to the right.

Executive Order Intel 1/3

Objective: Rescue Reaver
After clearing the com building, take the ladder and clear the guards on top. Next, you'll need to protect your squad mates on the ground. Use the explosive bolts and target the vehicles. After killing them all, you'll need to deploy the zip line by shooting the window using your crossbow. Ride the zip line and kill the enemies surrounding Reaver.

Objective: Abort the launch at the auxiliary control bunker
You have five minutes to reach the bunker and stop the launch. You need to fight your way through the enemy defenses. Take note that the enemies will keep pouring in unless you advance so be aggressive and run from cover to cover while taking them out. Continue clearing the path until you reach the bunker. Destroy the walls using C4 then walk straight ahead to find the intel on top of the control panel in the corner.

Executive Order Intel 2/3

Objective: Destroy Soyuz 2
Head outside then grab the launcher. Aim for the rocket and fire. Remember to steer the missile towards the rocket to hit it.

Objective: Get to the tunnel, Find and kill Dragovich
Fiery debris will start raining down so follow the marker and get inside the tunnel. Once inside, there will be more enemies waiting for you. Continue downstairs past the command room until you reach another tunnel. There is another control/ comm room to the right that has an intel. This video will show you how to grab the last intel in this mission.

Executive Order Intel 3/3

Continue fighting your way until you reach the end of the tunnel. Mission complete.



After the scenes, carry Hudson to the tunnels. Go out to the trenches and clear the path.

Objective: Defend Khe Sanh
Objective: Clear the trenches

Continue along the trenches and a Vietcong will jump unto you. Press X rapidly to fight back and plant a grenade on the bastard. Continue along until you reach the defensive line.

Objective: Hold the line

Enemy infantry is flooding the area and you need to use the detonators to halt their advance. To find the first intel of the mission, run along the trenches past the two detonators and go uphill to find the ammo caches. There intel is located among them.

SOG Intel 1/3

Back to the action; wait for the enemies to form around the line before using the detonator for more kills. After repelling the foot soldiers, T55 tanks will arrive. Enter the gunner shed to the left and grab the LAW. Use it to destroy the Russian tanks. After destroying the tanks, follow Woods and Hudson to the next part of the base.

Objective: Push back the NVA

In the next part, more NVAs will attempt to break through. There are two napalm barrels here which you need to puncture and push to the trenches. Carefully approach them and kick them to hold off incoming forces. Another intel is located inside the pillbox to the left. Refer to the video below.

SOG Intel 2/3

Objective: Retake the hill
Head to the next objective and climb uphill as you kill enemy forces. After reaching the hill and saving Woods in the nick of time, continue to the tunnel. Inside this makeshift command post is another intel. Refer to the video for better directions.

SOG Intel 3/3

Objective: Get on the jeep

Head outside and ride the jeep. You need to use the mounted TOW missile launcher to destroy all six tanks. Remember that you can steer these as well. If you want another achievement, you need to destroy the tanks without missing. See the achievement section for the video and more details. Destroy all tanks to complete the mission.


The Defector

Objective: Extract the defector and intel.
Your incendiary SPAS-12 is the weapon of choice here since you'll be in CQB (close-quarter battle). Kill 10 NVAs with this weapon to unlock 'The Dragon Within' achievement. Fight your way to the safe room. Continue clearing the war room until you breach the door in the hallway.

Objective: Get to the LZ
After meeting Reznov and before going outside, check the little room along the hallway to the right to find the first intel of the mission.

Defector Intel 1/3

Exit and go to the next objective point. Take the radio from the soldier and request for a fire support on the buildings nearby. Jump down and advance while clearing the buildings.

Objective: Fight to the LZ
On the second corner where the road turns to the right, enter the house ahead and find the intel on the table. Check the video to know its location faster.

Defector Intel 2/3

Continue along the road; it will be a good idea to move from house to house to have lots of cover. Once the tank appears, wait for it to stop moving and order fire support. Push the NVAs back then order a fire support on the marked building to update the objective.

Objective: Destroy the ZSU gun emplacement

Follow Woods then help him open the door. Once inside the apartment, fight your way out until you get outside. Plant the charge on the ceiling where the ZSU is located then detonate it.

As for the last intel, continue ahead to reach the LZ. Enter the destroyed building across the stairs to find it on the table.

Defector Intel 3/3

Dig in and wait for the enemy forces. You can man the MGs if you want. Just hold your position and keep repelling their attack until the enemy tank arrives. When that happens, quickly leave your position and take cover inside the building on the second floor. Call in air support once prompted, then quickly make your way to the boat before time runs out.



If you're after all, if not most of the achievements in the game, stick with the default dual pistols you have until you complete this mission. Doing so will unlock the Double Trouble achievement. Later in the mission you'll find dual SMGs which can also be used as long as its dual wield.

Objective: Escape with Dr. Clarke

The first intel in the mission can be found as soon as the mission starts. Check the table to your right to find it.

Numbers Intel 1/3

Climb up the ladder and fight your way through the tight hallways. Head to the roof and let the others jump first. Sprint to the edge of the roof and jump to land on the building across. Clarke will reveal a stash of weapons behind the fridge so grab anything that you need then continue fighting your way through the building.

Continue outside and follow Clarke. The enemies here will be limitless so don't attempt to fight them off. Just kill the ones along the way and follow the path until you reach a vent where you'll jump down to safety. Get out on the other end of the vent then kill the two pursuers on the ground. Continue following the path until you find an inclined roof where you'll slide. Slide down and kill the enemies. The next intel is located right in front of you, behind the porch wall. See the video below:

Numbers Intel 2/3

Once Clarke opens the small gate, keep jumping down the roof then go inside the marked door. Enemies will burst right in so take them out. Continue fighting your way through again until you reach another secret ammo cache. Spetnaz soldiers will start pouring it so dig in and fend them off.

Objective: Escape with Clarke
After that, follow Clarke again outside and jump to the other roof in an attempt to save him. Make your way down by jumping from roof to roof. Once you see a scaffolding in front of you, jump down and look for the intel behind.

Numbers Intel 3/3

Continue jumping down and shoot the last set of enemies then ride the van to complete the mission.


Project Nova

For the first flashback of Reznov, just follow Petrenko and ride the vehicle. Watch the following scenes.

Objective: Assault the German base and find Steiner
Fight your way until you reach the target building. Kill the soldiers inside and head to the second floor. The intel is located inside, on top of the table in the corner. After discovering that the target is not here, follow the waypoint to the next objective.

Project Nova Intel 1/3

Exit the building then follow your comrades. You should be able to call in mortar strikes now so use them to your advantage. Fight your way through until you reach a hangar housing a V2. The next intel is located in the small room in the corner.

Project Nova Intel 2/3

Head outside and follow the path. You'll need to plow the remaining german defenses. Use your mortar rounds to kill them easily then follow the waypoints to reach Steiner.

In the next part of the mission, head inside the ship and follow the waypoints to reach the chamber containing Nova 6. Watch the following scenes, until you're able to escape.

Objective: Escape the ship detonation
Fight your way in the larger room of the ship. Make sure to take out as many as you can before arming the explosives; you only have 3 minutes to run outside and escape the blast. After arming the explosives, shoot the highlighted support beam to create a pathway for you. Make your way outside and kill anyone along the way.

Head to the end of the ship and before reaching the stairs, look on the floor to the right to find the intel.

Project Nova Intel 3/3

Zip down to escape the ship and complete the mission.


Victor Charlie

Shoot the two bastards in front then as the chopper sinks, swim to the hatch and press X repeatedly to open it. Swim to the objective point. Kill all enemies while being protected by your friendly meat shield then press on. Kill the remaining forces to receive your next instructions.

Objective: Rendezvous with Whiskey Team
Follow Woods downstream then swim to the river. Head to the waypoint and stealth kill the guard on the boat. Continue to the next shanty to meet up with the others. Once done, continue following Woods.

Objective: Destroy the ZPU, Place C4
Dive down and place the first C4. After that, climb over to the next shanty then knife the sleeping guard. Carefully exit the room and check the corner to the left to find the first intel of the mission.

Victor Charlie Intel 1/3

Knife the other guard then dive down the hole. Place another C4 nearby then swim to the waypoint. Head out then regroup with your team. When prompted to detonate the charges do so and start clearing the village. If you need more weapons, you can check out the large hut to the left. Later on, Whiskey team will start to get pummeled so go to their aid and destroy the ZPU using the M202 that will be dropped on the ground by a soldier.

Objective: Clear the north village
Before heading to the next objective, check the hut in the northern part of this village, to the left. Another intel is inside. Refer to the video below for more details.

Victor Charlie Intel 2/3

Continue to the next waypoint and clear the next hut. There will be an MG emplacement ahead so make sure you take it out first. Push your way through until you reach a rat tunnel ahead. Jump down there and get some guerilla fun.

Objective: Find Kravchenko
Follow the tunnel and keep your pistol loaded and ready. When you reach a large room, don't go out yet since there several armed rats inside. Kill them all then regroup with Reznov. Follow him again in the tunnels. When you see a fork, take the left path to find the last intel in this mission. Continue until you reach the control room in the other end.

Victor Charlie Intel 3/3

Objective: Escape
The place is rigged and the path will start crumbling. Continue ahead until you reach the exit. Dig your way out and watch the following scenes to complete the mission.


Crash Site

Objective: Regroup at dock, Pilot the boat, Head up river to the crash site

At the start of the mission, before boarding the gunboat, look for the intel on top of the crates to the left of a burning drum.

Crash Site Intel 1/3

Board the boat and have full control of the navigation and weapons. Go along with your allies and destroy everything – marked targets, structures and all. Continue up river and destroy the marked targets. You'll eventually run into a much sturdier PT boat. Keep moving while firing at it to defeat it. Use the buildings for cover.

Objective: Investigate the crash site

After disembarking from the boat, check the ground along the path, near the shore for another intel.

Crash Site Intel 2/3

Fight your way through the path until you reach the crash site. Go up the plane's wings and jump down to the cabin. Look around on the ground to find the last piece of intel in this mission.

Crash Site Intel 3/3

Approach the marked crate and equip the China Lake. Peer through the ripped part of the cabin then shoot the hostiles below until the Hinds appear and ruin it all. Watch the following scenes.



This will put you behind the controls of Maj. Neitsch and you'll be providing real-time intel to the ground team. The controls will alternate between the major and the ground forces. Just follow the instructions given and the ones that appear on the screen to ensure a smooth ride. Start off by guiding the team east then north inside the safe house. The controls will transfer to ground personnel. Enemies will deploy a flashbang as they so make sure you're looking away or behind cover to avoid getting blinded.

Back in the sky, guide the team through the rear path. Instead of directing them to the next waypoint, highlight the enemy patrol and tag them so the team below can get rid of them in advance. Point them to the next waypoint afterward. Let the enemy vehicles pass, then order the team to the next waypoint. Several enemy patrols will appear so order the team to stop and drop to avoid detection. Order them to go to the barracks next.

Objective: Clear barracks and destroy comm link

Back in the soldier's view, storm the barracks and kill the soldiers. Before planting the charge, look for the intel on the table by the stairs, where you entered from. Plant the charge when ready.

WMD Intel 1/3

You'll be back in the sky but you just need to lead the team to two more waypoints and your job is done. If you followed the instructions and guided the team without them dying or reloading from a checkpoint, you'll get the 'Pathfinder' achievement easily. The controls will be given back to the ground forces permanently from here on.

Objective: Regroup at insertion point, Rappel to the substation

Stay in hiding for the meantime. Once clear, move forward then drop and stay down again until given the signal to move. Follow the team lead then rappel down. Follow the controls to ensure that you won't fall to your death. Rappel down again and break in. Head and continue along the path.

Objective: Neutralize the comstat personnel

As much as possible engage targets stealthily or kill the runners before they sound the alarm prematurely. Your crossbow should do most of the trick here. Head to the base and whittle down the enemy numbers. If the alarm is sounded, switch to explosive bolts if you want or use your Aug. It is possible to enter the comstat station undetected but you need to pick your targets wisely. Doing so will earn you the Mr. Black Op achievement. (See the achievements section for the video and more details regarding this achievement) Head to the comstat entrance and shoot the hinges to open it.

Storm the comstat building and kill the enemies inside. The next piece of intel can be found here. Just enter the room before the stairs going down and grab it on top of the table.

WMD Intel 2/3

Continue downstairs and sweep the room. Use your grenades or better yet, explosive bolts to take out enemies in hiding. Find the relay switch and sabotage it. Exit then go to the walkway. Run and jump to the other side after it gets destroyed then continue running to avoid getting buried in the avalanche. Jump off the cliff then wait for the prompt to deploy your parachute.

Objective: Infiltrate the Nova 6 facility

If you still have explosive bolts left, use it to snipe and maim enemies at a good distance. Enemy reinforcements will appear as well so take them out before moving to the next waypoint. Enter the building and clear it. Exit and you'll find a large warehouse. Don't enter the control room yet though; look for the last intel on one of the desks in the front. Enter the control room.

WMD Intel 3/3

Objective: Escape the Yamantau Facility

Head outside and kill any soldier trying to stop you. You only have 3 minutes to escape so make sure to carefully and efficiently eliminate the enemies. Kill the gunner behind the truck and spring towards it after clearing the area. Man the MG and keep the enemies at bay. Keep shooting until the truck is successfully hotwired and the mission is completed.



Objective: Get to the soviet

Once you're in the chase and you'll come across two paths immediately. You can stick with Woods or take the tunnels to the left. In any case, they all lead to the same chamber where tons of vietcongs are waiting. Clear them all out; don't forget to grab the intel on the shelf to the right. Continue pursuing the bastard until you corner him.  Take him out.

Payback Intel 1/3

Objective: Capture the Hind, Get in the Hind

Take out the guards patrolling the chopper. You can sneak silently to the right to find some new weapons by the crate if you want to. Kill all guards and before riding the Hind, check the second intel on the table beside the radio. Pilot the Hind once ready.

Payback Intel 2/3

Note: For achievement whores, there is an achievement called 'With Extreme Prejudice' that will be unlocked if you get to the POW camp using only rockets. If you're after this achievement, keep that right trigger finger off the RT button to be safe.

Objective: Fly to Kravchenko's Base

Follow the river and start by destroying the hanging bridge. Be careful of the boats as they carry enemy soldiers as well; make sure to take them all out. After reaching the first outpost, you'll encounter AA guns. Destroy them all as well as the enemy hind that will intercept you. Continue along the river again once cleared then strafe and approach the SAM site. Release your barrage of rockets once you've closed the distance.

Continue along the river again and you'll find a larger enemy holdout. Prioritize taking out the marked targets, AA guns and watchtowers. Once done, continue ahead until you encounter two hinds. You may want to save your rockets and time your volley when they're still. Just strafe when hear missile warnings. After getting rid of the two hinds, head to the waypoint to land and proceed on foot.

Objective: Kill Kravchenko

Follow Woods and head to the cave where the target is hiding. Fight your way inside and grab the AK with flamethrower. If you want to unlock an achievement in a short while, I suggest keeping it. Release the POWs then head deeper in the cave. You'll finally reach Kravchenko's base. Equip the flamethrower then advance behind covers to get in range to your targets. You just need to fry 10 enemies to unlock the achievement 'Russian B-B-Q'.

Russian bar-b-q Achievement

After clearing the area but before confronting Kravchenko, search the dimly lit table to the left side of the room to find the last intel in this mission. Refer to the video below for the exact location.

Payback Intel 3/3

Go upstairs and open the door in Kravchenko's room. Just watch the following scenes and the mission will be complete.



Objective: Infiltrate the Soviet lab and confront Dr. Steiner.

As soon as you're able to, open the door and approach the man. Press RS to execute him. Before following Reznov, look at the floor to your left and you should find the first intel in this mission.

Rebirth Intel 1/3

Follow Reznov and stick to the shadows. After disarming the second guard and getting your own weapon, continue forth. Go upstairs then up the ladder. Pull down the guard to get his shotgun then go up another ladder again to reach the roof. Run towards the open door and down the elevator shaft. Kill the guards and scientists there then start clearing the labs.

After clearing the labs, you should see a large capsule-like structure in the middle of the next room. The next intel is located inside. Just ignore the enemies then rush inside to grab the intel before it seals. Don't worry because even if you died inside, as long as you grabbed the intel, it will be counted and you don't need to do it again.

Rebirth Intel 2/3

You have the chance to unlock another achievement before moving forward. Just before the room where you obtained Intel #2, are seven caged chimps. To unlock the achievement 'I hate Monkeys', you need to kill seven of them in 10 seconds (timer starts after killing the first chimp). The fastest and easiest way is to throw a grenade in the corner of the left cages (as shown in the screenshot). The blast should kill 5 chimps then just pump the others with your shotgun or shower them with lead with your AK.

I hate Monkeys

Clear the remaining enemy soldiers then head to the waypoint. Open the door at the end of the hallway to find Steiner inside. Watch the following scenes.

Objective: Infiltrate the Soviet lab and confront Dr. Steiner.

This time, you'll be playing in the perspective of Hudson. You'll start by clearing the path with APCs. Just pummel the enemies as usual. As soon as you cross the bridge, the enemies will deploy a Nova6 cloud. Enemies will start shooting ahead so take cover and take them out from a distance using your IR-equipped Enfield rifle.

One achievement that you can unlock here is the No Leaks achievement where you need to complete the mission without puncturing your hazmat suit. Your suit gets permanently damaged when hit by bullets so as much as possible, avoid taking too much damage.

Continue ahead then follow the waypoint. You'll be out in the streets again so clear it out then wait for the building ahead to explode. Your allies will stack up by the door but don't enter it yet; check the building to the right for the last intel for this mission. See the video below for further information.

Rebirth Intel 3/3

Once done, head inside and go upstairs. Take out the enemies below and on the windows. Follow the next waypoints until you reach the other flank of the enemy. Take them all out again but don't go out in the open yet; the enemy helicopter is still roaming and will heavily damage your suit if you're not careful. Grab the Strela on the ground then aim it at the choppers to gain a lock while they're not targeting you. Listen to the tone of the weapon; the faster and high pitched it is, it means it's got a lock. Just release it and it will do the rest. After surviving these two helicopters you'll be in a safe zone. The achievement will be unlocked after that.

Follow your allies as they run downhill to storm the lab. The Hazmat suit is not needed anymore so you can just go all-out. Fight your way through the lab courtyard. There will be enemies on the roof so keep your eyes peeled as well. Head inside the lab and eliminate the enemy forces. Keep pushing through until you reach the lab. Watch the following scenes and the mission will be completed.



Watch the following scenes and you'll be on your own afterward.

Objective: Ascension 9 18 8 23 8 3 8…

Just continue walking; that's all you'll need to do in this mission. After passing through the first door and with the wall marked '4', check the hallway to the left to find an intel on top of a vending machine.

Revelations Intel 1/3

Continue along the main hallway. After opening the second door that leads to a clinic of some sort and with the wall marked with the numbers '132 3 31 34', turn to the right to the red-light hallway. The second intel is located on the trash bin.

Revelations Intel 2/3

Proceed walking and following the waypoint. After seeing the illusion of the Soyuz launch, turn left to find an office. The last intel is located on top of the organizer on the table near the monitors.

Revelations Intel 3/3

Continue along the walkway and watch the following scenes. The mission will be complete.



Objective: Assault the Rusalka, Protect squad, Land helicopter

You'll need to destroy the AA defenses of the ship and that should be easy to do since you're not a stranger to helicopter piloting and combat anymore. Just rain hell on the ship until you get the order to protect the LZ. Continue destroying the new marked targets so your ground forces can safely disembark and assault the ship. A Hind will appear out of nowhere so take it out. Land your severely damaged helicopter to the landing pad and proceed on foot.

Objective: Rendezvous with Weaver below deck, Shoot the helicopters, Pickup the Valkyrie Rockets

Head to the next waypoint. Enemy forces will appear there; just engage them until enemy helicopters appear. The first intel is located on the floor, at the other end of the open container van to the left.

Redemption Intel 1/3

Grab the Valkyrie rockets on the ground and bring down the helicopters. Like the TOW missile, you need to guide the rockets but you can also detonate them manually. The achievement 'Double Whammy' requires you to destroy these two choppers with one missile. If you stop and look at their patterns, there will be plenty of times that they'll hover perilously close to each other or just fly by closely. You need to time your missile and fire it in between them then detonate it. This is a really challenging achievement to unlock as it requires timing and luck. Don't worry, the Valkyrie comes with unlimited ammo while this objective is active.

Continue ahead and the last set of enemies on the deck. Enter the ship and continue following the staircases until you reach a large room below. The second intel is located under the table, stuck in between some small wooden crates. Head to the next room and clear it out to finish this phase of the mission.

Redemption Intel 2/3

Objective: Find and kill Dragovich, Stop the broadcast

Swim up to the broadcast station. Continue inside and sweep the area clean. Head to the next set of staircases and clear the next large room you'll come across to. It will be submerged moments later so swim up again and continue following the path until you reach another room with a map display. Continue upstairs to the right. The last intel is located under the desk on the following room.

Redemption Intel 3/3

Approach the control panel to stop the broadcast. Dragovich will finally make his appearance. Grab him and pull him, then choke him to death.

Just follow Hudson and you'll be swimming to the surface after a few seconds. Watch the following scenes… and you just completed the last mission. Congrats!

... Now check out our Intel and Achievement Guides in case you are missing anything.


Rebirth Intel

1/3 – (34 of 42) Objective: Infiltrate the Soviet lab and confront Dr. Steiner.
After hacking the man, look at the floor to your left and you should find the intel.

Rebirth Intel 1/3

2/3 – (35 of 42) Objective: Infiltrate the Soviet lab and confront Dr. Steiner.
After clearing the labs, you should see a large capsule-like structure in the middle of the next room. The next intel is located inside. Just ignore the enemies then rush inside to grab the intel before it seals. Don't worry because even if you died inside, as long as you grabbed the intel, it will be counted and you don't need to do it again.

Rebirth Intel 2/3

3/3 – (36 of 42) Objective: Infiltrate the Soviet lab and confront Dr. Steiner (Hudson perspective)
On the second street that you and your squadmates will fight through, your allies will stack up by the door in the far end however don't enter it yet. Check the building to the right for the intel. See the video below for further information.

Rebirth Intel 3/3


Intel Locations

Our Intel Locations Guide will take you through mission by mission how to find all the pieces of Intel.

Each piece is described and has a short (usually) video clip to help you pin-point exactly where it is and how to get it.

We've broken our guide into mission by mission pages so you're not faced with a hige page containing 42 videos!

So lets get started with Operation 40...

Operation 40

1/3 – (1 of 42) Objective: Find and Kill Castro
After Bowman and Woods open the door, storm in and kill the guards. The intel is located on top of the crate where the RPG is sitting.

Intel 1/3

2/3 – (2 of 42) Objective: Escape the compound
After killing Castro, head to the veranda and kill the soldiers. Go through the door and you'll be in the burning part of the manor. Enter the room where Bowman appeared and find the intel on top of the table on the adjacent room.

Intel 2/3

3/3 – (3 of 42) Objective: Get to the plane
After rappelling down to the airfield, get inside the hangar and go up the ladder to the left to find the intel on top of it.

Intel 3/3


Vorkuta Intel

1/3 – (4 of 42) Objective: Unleash the Horde
After the other prisoners blow up the mg on the tower, follow Reznov to the building. Go upstairs and find the intel on the shelf, near the comms.

Intel 1/3

2/3 – (5 of 42) Objective: Get to the Armory/ Step 6: Wield a fist of Iron
After Sergei stops the door and gets killed, head to the control room and open the door. Check the dark hallway beside the stairs to find the intel inside.

Intel 2/3

3/3 – (6 of 42) Objective: Freedom
After regaining consciousness, don't ride the bike yet. The mission's last intel is located in one of the racks behind Reznov.

Intel 3/3