Diablo 3: Patch 2.3.0 New Zone, objects and season Features

Diablo 3: Patch 2.3.0 New Zone, objects and season Features

The Blizzard’s Diablo 3 Patch 2.3.0 comes with all sorts of new stuff. Including a brand new zone, bulky items and other seasonal features! Read here what you can expect with Patch 2.3.0.
The Patch 2.3.0 for Blizzard's action RPG game Diablo 3 brings all sorts of new and coveted content into the game. And in addition to the obligatory new items there's also a whole new zone, where you can go to hunt demons. Further launches Season 4, which includes a new form of progress in Diablo 3 with the seasons travel.
Diablo 3: Patch 2.3.0 - Off to Sescheron!
The new zone in Diablo 3 is not about a typo, its Sescheron! Lore experts in Diablo 3, of course, know where this region is. It is, in fact, the ruins of the city from the barbarians Sescheron-wastelands where this wild people once lived in harmony before the demons devastated their land and sold the trunks.
Therefore, you should expect some work in the ruins of Sescheron, because the city is teeming with monsters and beasts! The ruins of Sescheron are only accessible in the adventure mode.
The Return of Horadrim cube
Veterans of Diablo 2 know certainly Horadric cube in which you could store your bulky items and upgrade. Now with Patch 2.3.0, there is a similarly practical Kanai’s cube which basically the same.
By Kanai’s cube you can for example extract the characteristics of Legendary Items, reforging such items, rare items to upgrade, transform set items and even remove level requirements.

The Seasonal Journey has begun!
The developers at Blizzard have also incorporated with patch 2.3.0 for Diablo 3, a new feature for your season-characters. Because with the start of the fourth season your heroes can now undertake Seasonal Journey.
It is a new form of character progression, you can follow the respective menu items. The seasons travel is divided into predetermined section, in which you have to achieve certain goals, thus recounted the heroic journey of your heroes. As a reward, new Achievements and waving Portrait frame.
A detailed list of all changes with patch 2.3.0 you will find on the official Diablo 3 page of Blizzard via the link above.