Mass Effect 4 Game

BioWare is still working on the Mass Effect 4 game. The developer has its lips sealed and has refused to make public other confessions. However, there have been some tip-offs regarding this RPG action game. And because BioWare took the time to reply to game enthusiasts, we can now get a visual of what this upcoming Mass Effect game will be like.

Lots of enthusiasts asked if the Mass Effect 4 will be some sort of sequel or should we think of it as a prequel? According to BioWare, it won’t be any of the above. Chris Wynn claimed on Twitter the following: “Not a prequel, not necessarily a sequel either” replying to one of the many questions asked by zealous gamers. He also continued saying that the game is still a work in progress. What we do know so far is that the company has been planning these review meet-ups to discuss the development of the Mass Effect game.

BioWare likes to know what their fans expect from the game, so they are glad to read one’s comments or posts. Some really believe that Mass Effect 4 will continue as a sequel. You should also know that Mass Effect 4 may be set between the former events that happened in the first 3 games. Fans might find out more at the E3 convention which will happen in 2015. So better stay close!

Gamers should not expect the Mass Effect 4 to show up on the former game consoles. According to BioWare, the game will be launched for PCs as well as the newest consoles out there. So a big yay for this move, right? The game will also come packed with the same alien races that gamers are accustomed to, but there might be some new ones as well. The fun interactions that made this game so well-received will still be the main point of attraction for the Mass Effect 4 game.