Sunset Overdrive: Act 2 - Mission 4 - Find 4Kim

Act 2 - Mission 4 - Find 4Kim

Your first objective this mission is to go and find 4Kim at the train station. It’s an easy enough objective to complete, simply follow your on-screen marker and wait until your arrival to trigger an attack from some Scabs. Take the Scabs out by grinding around and shooting them. Once they are down head on to your next objective and meet 4Kim on the station platform.

Your route is littered with enemies, as per the usual, so grind and bounce until you’ve defeated them and made your way to the next marker. This time you’ll be greeted by a quick cut scene, at which point your objective will update to rescue 4Kim.

To complete this final objective you’ll need to chase the train and destroy the thrusters on its side. To do this hop onto the train tracks and grind after it, using your Dirty Harry to take out the thruster when in range. If you’ve having any tough troubles with the mission just take a look at our video walkthrough below.