Sunset Overdrive: Act 2 - Mission 6 - Bryllcream

Act 2 - Mission 6 - Bryllcream

Get ready for an objective filled mission, your first being to go to Wallrun, Hackdish, and Associates Tower. It’s pretty straightforward, just head towards the marker on your screen and once you arrive you’ll need to destroy the Fizzco guard post. Grind your way to the base of the tower and pound those silly Fizzco Rifle Bots into dust.

Once that’s taken care of you’ll need to climb the tower. This is completed by using your standard bag of tricks, plus one additional move you might not have discovered yet… wall running. Follow the on-screen instructions to reach the top of the tower and move to your marker to hack into the Fizzco satellite dish.

Take control of the dish and aim it around the city following the markers on your minimap, first using it to aim at the Troop Bushido Museum, and then keep looking for Bryllcream once your objective updates. Once you located him you’ll need to go to the Fizzco jammer.

Hop down from your current perch and head off towards your objective. Take out the Fizzco Blade Bots in the area once you arrive and then destroy the jammer. Now keep moving and approach the next satellite and hack the second dish.

Looks like you’re back to square one, keep looking for Bryllcream. As before follow the markers on your minimap until you locate him and are told to go to the truck.

Once you arrive you’ll need to wipe out the Scabs defending the garbage truck. As it normally is, whip out that Dirty Harry and put those fools down. If you get overrun just snatch up your TNTeddy and blow the rest of them away. Once that’s done you’ll need to stop the garbage compactor from crushing Byrllcream.

Follow a short cut scene you’ll need to douse the fire with Overcharge. As bad of an idea as this sounds go ahead and locate the three kegs on your screen and grab them, tossing them each at the truck. Once this is done you’ll need to deal with some OD.

You’re close to the end now, just defend the truck until it starts moving and then chase the truck. For this part we suggest pulling out your TNTeddy because you will need to clear the street of OD once it stops, as well as open the truck to finish up the mission. Bryllcream is shorter in person… just saying.