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How to play NFL Shuffle for iOS: Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to NFL Shuffle for the iPhone! Even though the big game has just ended and the Ravens thwarted what would have been an epic 49ers comeback, this game is still hugely popular, because you get to build your own team, play entire seasons against real NFL lineups, play against other players, and even participate in the Gridiron tournaments. Read on for the beginner’s guide to NFL Shuffle for the iPhone!

NFL Shuffle is a fairly easy game to learn. Mainly, there are three game modes that you can play: the season mode, versus mode, and gridiron mode, but building a good team is where it gets more complicated and more difficult, and not having a good enough team can severely affect your performance in all three game modes.

The season mode is where you can play against real NFL teams. You go division by division, starting with the AFC West and the NFC west, then going south, east, north, and finally to the playoffs. Each division has three regular teams and a “boss” team, which is the division winner for the 2012 NFL season. Once you beat all three teams, you unlock the boss team, and once you beat the boss team, you’ll unlock the next division. After you beat every division, you’ll unlock the playoffs, and once you beat that, you’ll unlock the next difficulty. The 5 difficulties are rookie, starter, veteran, captain and all-pro.

Once you start a game in season mode, there are two halves, with 15 “minutes” apiece in the game. Hit “play” to make a move. One move equals one minute. After each half, you will gain money and experience points. If you’re tied at the end of the game, you’ll go into overtime, and you’ll earn money and experience points for this extra “half” as well.

When two players go at it, the battle is normally decided by which player has more overall points. If the defense does, then typically the offensive player will make a single digit yard gain, stay put or lose yards. If the offensive player does, they will typically gain quite a few yards. If there are huge points differentials in favor of the defense, this increases the likelihood of a fumble or interception (which both lead to an automatic turnover) or a double digit yardage loss. If there is a huge point differential in the offense’s favor, then typically there will be large yardage gains.

Click here to continue on to part 2 of the NFL Shuffle beginner’s guide!