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Guide to NFL Shuffle for iOS, part 3: Even more tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Welcome to part 3 of the NFL Shuffle tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part 2 of the guide.

The Gridiron mode is one of the best ways to earn massive rewards in the game, but if you try to play it right off the bat, without powering up your players first, you won’t get too far. Instead, go through about 3 or 4 divisions first in the season mode, earning more high grade cards and mentoring your cards to make them more powerful, and then start playing the Gridiron mode. Do this and you will have a much easier time winning, with just one ticket apiece (as opposed to going for the no huddle for 3 tickets apiece, which is really just a waste of tickets).

Mentor all of your starting players so that you don’t have a weak link in your entire lineup. Do this and you’re almost guaranteed to win in the season mode, because even the stronger teams will have many weaker (1,600 points and less) cards mixed in, so you can withstand the attack or defense from an insanely powerful 9000+ point card, and then start gaining yardage or stopping plays when their weaker players come up.

When you are playing the Gridiron game, you will have a winning streak bonus which will be under “drive”, with a countdown timer that limits how long you can extend that bonus for. Starting a new game against another player before the timer runs out will stop the timer, and winning will restart it again. You don’t need to win within the timer’s time limit, so you can theoretically start a round and let it sit forever, as long as you play and beat it later.

Too add a whole lot of friends in this game, simply go to the app store and go to the NFL Shuffle page, open the reviews and start finding friend codes that people have posted in the reviews. Post yours in reviews as well, or even post them at the bottom of this article so tht other people who read this article can add you.