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How to play Stardom: Hollywood for iOS, part 2: FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to part 2 of the Stardom: Hollywood beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide.

Your scripts will either be commercials, TV shows or movies, but they will all be done the same way. The script will last either 1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours or even longer, and you will get a star rating based upon how many actions you complete while you are in the middle of filming. 5 stars will earn you the most fans, cash and experience; less stars will earn you less of each.

However, beforehand, you can read the script at Arnie’s office, which will give you 2 lines to memorize for each film project. When you go in and talk to the casting director, he’ll ask you to recite the lines. If you choose the wrong line, you won’t lose the role, but if you choose the right line twice, you’ll earn one free star on the project – half a star per line that you get right.

The “star rating” works for your shifts at Starbeans and for dates as well. In order to go on a date, first, go to any bar or restaurant and you will be able to talk to people. You can either chat or flirt – chatting will cause them to be added as a business associate, while flirting will cause them to be added as potential date. When you go to your phone, a star or a heart will appear next to their name, depending on which one they are. You can flirt with, and date, both males and females, no matter which gender you are, although not all of the same-sex people you meet will have a dating option.

To start your date with someone, go to the bar or the restaurant after getting a number, and then tap on the bubble with a heart inside it. You can choose who to invite along, and if you invite them, the date will start the same way a “project” will, with up to 5 stars for a date possible.

Click here to continue on to part 3 of the Stardom: Hollywood beginner’s guide!