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Lords & Knights – Medieval Strategy MMO Attack and Defense Guide, Part 2: Attack Guide

In the last portion of the guide we discussed how to defend your castle from attacking troops. In this portion of the guide, we’ll show you how to become the aggressor and how to dominate your opponents.

To nobody’s surprise, most of the strategies that work for training your troops to defend your castle, also work for training your troops to attack other castles. In this case, though, you get better control of the whole “rock, paper, scissors” strategy ordeal, via your spies and the info that they bring back.

First, if you want to attack another castle, go and spy on it. Send your spies over with a good amount of copper, and when they come back, if they had enough copper to make it out alive, they will bring you back info on the opposing castle, including how many of each troop type that the enemy has. Use this to plan out how many infantry, artillery, and cavalry to send in, so that you can win the rock paper scissors battle each time.

As before, the library is your source for unlocking new abilities and technologies which are required in order for you to be able to train the more advanced troops. In addition, many technologies will increase your attack or your defense for every single one of your troops as soon as you finish researching them, so take advantage of those to power up your army.

For attacking, two other types of “troops” are important, in addition to the six previously discussed. These are the handcarts and the ox carts, which can be “trained” in the market. Handcarts carry a load of 500 resources each, while ox carts deliver 2,500 resources each, so send in as many as you can in order to loot large amounts.

Just as important as the rock paper scissors game, is simply having an obscenely large army and being able to throw their weight around at will. Having a huge army will make up for anything, including a heavily upgraded enemy fortification, so before you start attacking at will, increase the size of your army. Once it’s big enough, you’ll rarely even need to spy.

If you dominate someone, you can actually take over their castle, but only if you send enough silver to do so. If you want to take over a castle, you need to send 1,000 silver in one battle. Any less, and you won’t take it over. Any more, and it’s wasted. 1,000 silver exactly is all you need to get yourself a second, third, or fourth castle.