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Lords & Knights – Medieval Strategy MMO Attack and Defense Guide, Part 1: Defense Guide

Attacking other castles and defending your own castle are the crux of the game in Lords & Knights, and there is a lot of strategy to it which usually takes awhile to get. Hopefully, with this guide, it’ll be much easier to understand, and you’ll be able to figure out some attack and defense strategies without having to use a whole spreadsheet to do so. Read on for some good learning.

First up, we’ll talk about defending your castle, since you’ll be doing just that pretty much as soon as you get out of the beginner’s protection. Your first line of defense are the soldiers whom you train in the arsenal, so train them as quickly as you can. Upgrade your arsenal to speed up the time that it takes to train each batch of soldiers.

You start off with Spearmen, but you can unlock the ability to train swordsmen, archers, crossbowmen, armoured horsemen and lancer horsemen, as well. Upgrade your library and do all of the research that is available in it, because it’s this research that will unlock the ability to train the more advanced troops.

There are three basic types of troops: cavalry, infantry and artillery. Infantry is strong against cavalry, which is strong against artillery, which is strong against artillery. Tap on each one of your troops in the armory and at first you’ll simply see a portrait of the troop whom you just selected, but swipe down and a whole page of stats will appear, including attack and defense against the various types. For defensive purposes, you should have a good mix of all three, but generally, you should simply have as many of all of them as you possibly can. Victory in numbers.

For defensive purposes, upgrade your fortification as much as you can. Your troops are only able to defend the castle when they are actually at the castle, and not when they are going out on missions from the tavern or attacking someone else, so in their absence, the fortifications will ward off attackers from other castles.

Lastly, if you aren’t going to play the game for awhile, you should go to the profile menu and set your game to vacation mode. Once you do this, you’re back in protection, although you also will not be allowed to play the game for awhile until a minimum set amount of time, and you only get a certain amount of vacation days a year, so use them wisely.

Now on to the attacking portion of Lords and Knights…