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Hardest Game Ever 2 FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, Part 2: How to beat the normal stages

In part 1 of the Hardest Game Ever FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s guide, we took a look at how to get an “S” on all of the easy stages. They really are the easy stages, though, so it shouldn’t have been much of an issue. The normal stages are MUCH harder. You need three S’s to unlock the normal stages. Once you get there, you need 10 stars to unlock the hard stages. Here’s how to get an S on all of the normal ones!

On stage seven, which is the Cowboy Bar Shooter, try to tap the row of buttons using your index and middle fingers on both hands at the same time, since counting the cups by 4 is far easier and quicker than counting by 3. If your fingers are too big to do that, though (like mine), then do it the normal way and be as quick as possible. On stage eight, Photo Show Girls, tap on the buttons corresponding with the show girls with two fingers at a time, and not just one finger. When you do this, it’s actually as easy to star this stage as it is to star most of the easy stages.

On stage nine, Bomb Panic Squad, stop the timer as close as possible to 0, but to get a perfect on each one, try to time yourself to stop the timer on 0:15 each time. There’s ample time between each bomb, so first, glance over them to see which ones have the least time, second least, and the most time, and then start timing yourself to tap at 0:15 or less.

On stage 10, the Jackpot one, hover your finger over one color most of the time, since only one color should account for half of the tapping you do (since each one has a “color” and two “not colors” associated with it). Tap with two fingers at a time if you can time it right.

On stage 11, Oh I Love Maths, any number that is covered by the hand will be the same as the number in the previous problem (it’s the only number that won’t change), so remember the numbers for the purpose of knowing them when the hand covers them. And of course, play over and over to get it right.

On stage 12, Three Little Cook, time it so that you catch the egg JUST BEFORE it hits the blue line, but not RIGHT ON the blue line. As with the bomb squad one, map out which buttons you are going to have to hit first, and then focus on the eggs in the order in which you have to catch them.

Click here for the walkthrough for getting a star on all of the HARD stages in Hardest Game Ever 2!