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Hardest Game Ever 2 FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, Part 3: How to beat the HARD stages

The easy stages in Hardest Game Ever 2, looking back now, were actually pretty friggin’ easy to execute. The medium ones, which we looked at in part two of the guide, were no joke but they were still not that bad (except for that stupid I Love Maths stage, which should have been part of the hard stages). Now, the hard stages are where it REALLY gets dicey. Getting an “S”, or a star, on all of the hard stages can seem impossible, but it’s not undoable. Read on for the walkthrough to the hard stages of the Hardest Game Ever 2!

Stage 13 is called Guess Who Am I? Look for patterns in the people – usually they will pop up in order, 1 2 3 1 2 3, or 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, etc. Same with the people during the second round. Concentrate on looking for the hair color, anyways, since that’s the most distinctive part of each of the individuals. Stage 14, called Dog Vs Bone, is beaten by balancing the bone on the dog’s head, but don’t balance it on the middle of the head. Sway the phone back and forth, almost like a swaying boat, so that the bone swings back and forth in a controllable manner, and you’ll last MUCH longer.

Stage 15 is called Hop Hop Hop. The most important aspect of this one is NOT to fall in the water, because that will kill your time. Slow down just enough so that you can know what you are looking at, so that you can jump as quickly as possible. Also, look for patterns here too just like Stage 13.

Stage 16 is called Super Chin Up Hero. This one is simple. Position your index and middle finger so that if you’re using your right hand, your index finger is sticking out slightly farther, and if you are using your left hand, your middle finger is sticking out slightly farther. Press the two fingers together. Then mash the two buttons with the two fingers as quickly as you can. Use four fingers (two on each side) if you can arrange and time them right.

Stage 17 is called Pluck a Nose Hair. You need to stop the cursor in the red or as close to the red as often as possible. If you’re overshooting the red, though, aim for the yellow/green part just below the red. Aim further down until you get it right. It’s better to get less than 100 points than to get 0 points.

Stage 18 is called Same Card Poker. Skip the cards if two of them are not the same, and hit the buttons as quickly as possible if two or three of them are the same. It’s as simple as that.

Coming soon, the walkthrough for the INSANE stages in Hardest Game Ever 2! You need to get 16 stars to unlock that one, so use the last three stage walkthroughs to help you get stars on the hard, easy and normal stages quickly!