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King’s Empire (iOS/Android) Defense Guide: How to stop your city from getting destroyed

In King’s Empire, it can be extremely frustrating to try to defend your city from more experienced players once your initial peace period runs out. Players will attack your city, plunder your resources and kill your troops before you even get the chance to breathe, seemingly. It is possible, though, to come back from this and power up your city even without an alliance. Read on to find out how to do just that!

First off, you need to protect your resources. Upgrade the academy, and then upgrade the Shelter skill as high as you can. The higher that your shelter skill is, the more of your resources will be totally immune to getting stolen by other players. These resources will be excellent for helping to rebuild your troops. Plus, upgrade “combat care” to automatically heal a percentage of your troops after they get killed. Heal your troops as needed at the church, using your gold.

To actually increase your defense, first, start training troops en masse in your magic sanctum and in your barracks. Much of the game is strictly a numbers game, so train a large quantity of them. Train multiple types of troops in order to not only train them more quickly, but to protect against a wide variety of attackers, since you never know what troops your attacker is going to use.

Upgrade your attack and defense for your infantry, your cavalry and your magic users in the Academy area, in order to provide free buffs and bonuses for all of your troops. Plus, if you have extra gems to spend, you can buy even better temporary buffs, or even buy a peace treaty so that you can have either 12 or 24 hours without getting attacked by anybody.

Upgrade your wall, of course. With each upgrade, your wall’s durability increases, allowing it to take more hits before the attacking party even gains access to your city, at all. In addition, the more that you upgrade your wall, you can spend resources to buy extra fortifications at the wall, providing huge increases to your attack and defense.

Finally, make use of all of your cities, not just your main city. Use the transport function to send resources to your second, third and fourth cities (or however many cities you have), and use your barracks and magic sanctums in those cities to train new troops. If needed, reinforce your defenses by using “dispatch” to send your troops from your auxiliary cities right back to the main city. Or, if you want to shelter your troops, dispatch them right back to the auxiliary cities (especially the lowest level city) and let them hide out there until you are ready to have them back.