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King’s Empire (iOS) Tips and Tricks, Part 2: More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the King’s Empire tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide.

A great way to get more resources, especially if you are short on workers, is to do the following. Pull out ALL of your workers from the farm, iron mine, quarry and lumber mill. Every worker that’s not working at a building will earn you gold instead of resources. Upgrade your Living Quarters sky high to maximize the amount of residents in your city.

Load up on gold, and then go to the market and buy iron, wood, stone and food using the gold that you earn from your free residents. Look for the best deals possible, because you can often earn 5-10 resources for every 1 gold that you spend, and 1 worker earns 1 gold per hour, thereby equaling out to 10 resources per worker per hour. Normally, workers will earn 2 resources per hour when they are stationed at the resource buildings.

Scouting will normally tell you how many enemy troops there are, but it won’t tell you what the enemy army’s total attack is. You can find out every troop’s total attack by going to the barracks or to your magic sanctum and looking at their information, though, as well as their defense against each type of troop. Write the stats down somewhere, and scout another player or another village or camp, write down the number of each troop, and you can use simple multiplication in order to figure out their stats vs your stats. Be sure to take into account any defense from their wall, though.

Some of your daily quests and growth quests will require you to scout or attack other camps and players, and you’ll get an award for them regardless of whether you win the battle or are successful in the scouting expedition. You can make it inexpensive to fulfill these quests by sending exactly one scout, one soldier or some other minimal number of troops on whatever the expedition of choice is. You’ll still get the quest prize, making this an excellent way to beat the system. (note: if your quest is to destroy the other camp or player, then this won’t work).

Whenever you plan to not play the game for a long period of time (such as when you are sleeping or before you go to work), go to the barracks and the magic sanctum, and set multiple troops at a time to train. Turn the “resource bar” (the bottom bar) down to its minimum level, and turn the troop quantity bar up, to train the maximum amount of troops. The less resources you use on training, the longer it takes to train, but it doesn’t matter too much when you aren’t going to play the game for awhile.