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High School Story: FAQ, Wiki, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, Part 3

Welcome to part three of the High School Story beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part two of the guide.

When you run out of space to build in, you will be able to buy expansions to your school. Tap on whichever space you want to that has a for sale sign on it, and then you can spend coins and wait for it to open up. With each successive land expansion that you buy, the price goes up and so does the amount of time that it takes to become available to open up for the first time. Some of your quests will require you to expand, so only expand as needed in order to save coins.

You’ll unlock the ability to upgrade the book store later on, which will allow you to spend more coins to buy more books at a time. It will take longer for them to show up, but it will be worth it because you will have less time that you have to put in as far as checking the game and ordering the books.

There are numerous decorations that you can buy in the store as well. None of them have any real practical use; however, many of them will help you to complete a quest. Stick to buying only the ones that are needed for quests if you are trying to save coins or space, but if you are trying to make your school look nice, carry on with buying them.

As you gain levels, you will also be able to upgrade the admissions office, which will allow you to admit more than one student at a time. This upgrade costs 300 rings, though, so if you haven’t saved your rings, this can be prohibitively expensive.

As you gain levels, you will also be able to build more of almost every building that you have, especially the classrooms and hangouts. Keep leveling up for the ability to build more of the same building, so that you can progress faster.

That’s all for High School Story! Enjoy the game!