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AutoBattle: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

There’s a certain subset of RPG players out there who care more about character management, owning and enhancing equipment, and increasing one’s stats than about actually battling and exploring. AutoBattle is the oddball experimental zero-player RPG for the iOS and Android that’s intended to appeal to these folks.Your character is always battling on their own, all day and all night, and your job is simply to manage the winnings and manage the character’s stats. Read on for some tips and tricks for AutoBattle!

Your character in the game is always fighting, whether you are offline or online, but after 24 consecutive hours of being offline, you won’t be fighting anymore. Always check back to the game at least once per day to make sure that the fighting continues, so that your character’s stats can keep increasing and you can continue to earn new items to equip.

You have to use a boss challenge in order to move onto a new map though, and generally, if you are a lower level than the boss, it’s going to be tough going unless you have good equipment. The first step is to go to the settings and auto-sell all of the common equipment. Start adding higher and higher rarities to the auto sell list as you fill your bag, up until the point that you can auto sell everything but the purple (rarest) equipment.

But most importantly, save up your coins and gems until you can go crazy at the mall. Buy everything that is applicable to your character and nothing that is not. Weapons and armor at the mall are usually far more powerful than what you find in the battles, so purchase and make use of everything that you can in order to get as far as you can in your quest, as quickly as possible.

Purchase the artifact pieces when you can as they can all be combined together into one whole artifact. While you are waiting for battles to finish or for the mall to refresh, go to the arena, which is unlocked at a power level of 1,500, look for people who are at a lower power level than you, and fight them. Arena battles are often a source of better rewards than normal battles. Rank rewards are delivered at 9 PM server time daily.

As you level up you will unlock more goodies that can help you in battle, too. Hit the Skills area to see all of the new stuff that unlocks as you go. Hit the Heroes area and you will be able to add more automated comrades to help in battle.