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Thor: The Dark World (iOS/Android) – How to get more runes, ISO-8 and URU

Thor: The Dark World is the second take on the Thor comics to come out for the iPhone, iPad, and Android. It’s also Gameloft’s second take on the Thor universe. There are three types of currency in this game. Runes are the primary currency of this game, long ISO–8 is the secondary currency of the game. URU is the premium currency of the game, and is by far the rarest of them all; however, it is possible to get all three of them within the game itself. Read on to find out how to get more runes, ISO–8, and URU!

Runes are typically found within the stages themselves. In order to get more runes, search in various barrels that you find in the stages. Also, you have to beat the stage in order to the maximum amount. You will barely earn any if you don’t beat the stage.

If you are stuck on a stage and you need to upgrade in order to pass, but you don’t have enough runes to buy any more upgrades, go to one of the previous stages that you have already beaten, and beat it again. Beating the stage that you have already beaten her new about half the number of runes that you earned the first time that you read it; however, that is far more than you will earn by losing at a stage that you’re stuck on.

ISO-8 is earned much the same way. You can only earn it by beating a stage; you will not earn any if you lose on the stage that you are currently playing. Do the same thing that you would do if you needed to earn more runes. Go back to one of the old stages that you have already beaten, and beat it over and over again to grind for ISO-8.

URU can be earned for free by completion the achievements within the game. On the main map screen, go to the button in the top left corner of the screen that looks like a book with an exclamation point. Tap it and you will find a list of achievements that you have beaten, and achievements that you have yet to beat. Read up on how to beat each achievement, and claim the URU from the ones that you have already beaten.

Plus, you can get five free URU by connecting the game to Facebook. Also, once you unlock the Arena mode, you will be able to earn all three of them as bonuses by reaching certain ranks and completing certain achievements within the arena.