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Heroes of Dragon Age: Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 3- Even More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

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You can’t get full power out of your group without taking advantage of combining or consuming your cards. Consuming your cards (which should be called “enhancing”, because that’s what you do to the gaining hero) This will give your card experience and will increase its chances at landing a 2x critical hit, and oftentimes, these 2x critical hits can be the key to winning a tough battle.

Combining the cards is exactly what it sounds like. Combine two identical cards to get one higher-tier version of that card. This is especially useful for your large creature, because of the rarity of getting a large one and because of how many common ones there are (such as the Bear). Combining two cards will not only provide an experience bonus, but will drastically increase the health and attack power of the card.

These will be very effective for powering up your cards enough to deal with the tougher battles. When you select a stage, you will notice that the game assigns a difficulty to it, but the difficulty changes depending on how tough your team is. Any stage marked “hard” will typically only be beaten if you are lucky enough to get a ton of 2X attacks. Upgrade your team until the difficulty tier gets knocked down.

For even more extra strategic power, try to load up your entire team with heroes who do damage to multiple enemies at once, especially if that damage includes other effects such as stun or draining statistics. While their attacks may not be quite as powerful singularly, add the damage up that they do to every single enemy, and the total damage will add up to FAR more than any single attack.

A surprisingly effective way to get a decent amount of experience points is to go to the “history” page and switch over to the top players in the game, then start attacking the top five players. The more trophies, they have, the more experience points they will earn you. You’ll still earn more from fighting an entire battle, but this is a good way to waste a little bit of stamina.

Or go through the history list and look for players who earn you an inordinate amount of gold, experience and trophies, yet are somehow beatable. This is very possible with some players who just load up on easy battles for a ton of trophies.