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Combo Crew – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Combo Crew is a new beat ’em up game for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal is to go through a number of stages, beating up an ever-increasing number of adversaries using not only the characters made for the game, but others such as Street Fighter II’s Ryu, Blanka, Ken and Chun-Li, along with Joe from Viewtiful Joe and Lester from Out Of This World. Read on for some tips and tricks for Combo Crew!

Battling in the towers is fairly easy. You can either swipe on a specific enemy to target them, do two-finger swipes to make specific combos, or tap and hold to do a charge attack on whichever enemy is the closest to your character. When you see an exclamation mark appear over the enemy’s head, tap the screen to block the enemy’s attack and counterattack them.

The main differences between the fighters, however, is what combos they have and what properties the combo attacks have. You start off with a specific set of combos, and you unlock them as you play through both the tower crew stages and the combo crew stages. Go to the “fighters” menu and then go to the combos subsection next to each fighter to see all that you have unlocked, as well as to purchase new combos and/or see where you go to unlock more of them.

Wanna find friends easily, but you don’t have any on Facebook or Google+ that play the game? Look around for where people have posted their emails, Facebook or G+ info. Suggestions are the App Store review pages, or Facebook fan pages dedicated to this game. Post yours in the comments below, too, or look through the info of people who have posted theirs.

Remember all of your goals for the Combo Crew mode because if you don’t beat all three of the goals, it doesn’t matter how many enemies you kill – you are not going to win. For the tower mode, though, getting the gold every time is simple – spam the combo attacks over and over, throw in a charge attack every once in awhile to break a defense, and tap the screen every once in awhile when a foe appears to be charging up to launch an attack (exclamation mark appears on screen).