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Splashy Fish – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Flappy Bird came, went, angered “hardcore” gamers and got millions and millions of casual gamers hooked, and now that the bird flies no more, Splashy Fish takes its place as the greatest guilty pleasure in the iOS App Store (not Android yet). Splashy Fish plays very similarly to Flappy Bird, and looks similar, with a fish that’s somewhat reminiscent of the Cheep Cheep from Super Mario. Read on for some tips and tricks for Splashy Fish!

If you’ve played Flappy Bird extensively, you already know that you have to develop a rhythm for bouncing your bird, or in this case, your fish. In this case, you can bounce the fish straight ahead for an eternity if you tap the screen at around 100 BPM, slightly slower than Flappy Bird as the fish rises and falls more slowly. But similarly, the rhythm is important.

Being that this game can be so insanely frustrating, make sure to RELAX and take a break from the game if you find yourself dying after a single-digit number of pipes every time that you play. Seriously. Put it down for an hour or so, then come back to it and because you’re not overthinking it, you’ll go MUCH farther.

The space between the pipes is fairly small, so try to aim your bounces to where you almost hit the bottom pipe, without actually hitting it. Tap when you’re about 1/2 of a fish-length above the bottom pipe.

There are gifts to be had depending on how many points you get. You’ll get gold wings after 10 points, and a crown after 20 points. You’ll get a gold beak after 30 points, and your fish will turn black after 40 points. Finally, you’ll get a wacky looking pair of sunglasses after 50 points. If you want to get rid of them, delete the game and then download it again.

The sound effects are supposedly reminiscent of 16-bit games. If you don’t like them, though, tap on the screen with 3 fingers at the same time at the main screen or at the game over screen, and you’ll unlock 8-bit style sound effects. Do the same thing a second time in order to get the 16-bit sound effects back.