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HonorBound: How to win without spending any real-life money

HonorBound is a new, free, high-quality and massively difficult RPG for the iOS and Android platforms, and chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re close to throwing your phone after getting killed on the same dungeon for the 20th time while your research projects take 20 hours apiece to complete. Either that or you’ve remortgaged the house and sold the car to spend boucoup money on diamonds. Right? Anyways, you can be successful at this game without having to blow insane amounts of money. Read on to find out how!

The aforementioned being successful at this game takes, more than anything, lots of planning ahead. If research is your main source of irritation, save up your diamonds (the ones that you get for free, which can be had in many different ways) and purchase another researcher. You’ll have to save a LOT of diamonds to make this happen, but you’ll be able to research three things at a time, rather than two, making it go by far more quickly.

You run out of energy quickly, too, and while you start off with free energy packs, you can blow through them quickly, making it tempting to spend money on diamonds for more energy packs. Luckily, with these, you can set the time ahead a bit to recover your energy immediately – figure in about 75 minutes for 15 energy. If you set it too far ahead, the game will resync with the server causing the trick not to work though, so it’s best to do this a little bit at a time, rather than trying to refill an entire energy bar all at once.

Either that, or if you don’t want to mess with the time on the phone, use the research to increase your maximum energy. This will have no immediate effect, but it’s all about planning ahead. Plus, it will give you more time to level up your commander (which gives you a FULL energy restoration).

Rare heroes (and epic and legendary heroes) can be another source of money heavily spent, but you can earn them without blowing your diamonds. The capture command is the way to do this. You can capture almost any enemy by draining their health until the bar is flashing white, then attempting to use “capture” a maximum of four times. If they aren’t caught within that time span, end the battle and try again later.

How can you tell if you’re going up against a rare? Common enemies will have their level surrounded by brown. Uncommon will be silver, rare will be gold, epic will be purple and legendary will be red. The rarer that they are, the more difficult it will be to catch them.

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