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HonorBound: Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats, Page 2

5) How to catch an enemy in any battle in the game
First, drop their hit points down to where their health bar begins flashing white, for low. The capture chance will go from 0 percent to slim, but it will still be possible. Use capture over and over until you finally catch them or until your capture chance drops back down to 0. Be patient and keep fighting and trying until you pull off a successful capture.

4) Get a cleric into your party as soon as possible.
Clerics are your most important party members. Have at least one cleric, because their healing spells will not only stop you from having to constantly spend coins on healing potions and resurrection scrolls, but they will make it far easier to win tough battles, as well, by keeping other party members alive.

3) Save up your diamonds (gems) so that you can purchase elite summonings.
Elite heroes are literally the most important thing that you can buy with your diamonds (unless you are extremely impatient, in which case you might also consider hiring another scholar). Get more diamonds by completing the achievements, earning them by ranking up in the arena, and saving up the ones that you earn when you level up your commander.

2) Upgrade your Coin and Ember Vaults, and your Coin Scavenger and Ember Baron as quickly as possible.
Coins are important not only for buying healing items, but for research and for fortifying and evolving your heroes. Embers are important for research and for improving your hero’s maximum rank, abilities and special attacks. The more of them that you can earn, the better, which is why it’s so important to upgrade.

1) Upgrade your Leadership as quickly as possible to maximize the amount of heroes you can have in your party.
More heroes in your party means FAR easier wins, both in the arena and in the dungeons. At level three leadership, you get a third party member, and when you upgrade to leadership 7, you get a fourth. With maximum leadership ranking, you can have up to five party members at once.

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