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HonorBound: How to win without spending any real-life money, page 2

Regardless of the rarity of your heroes, it’s a nearly useless metric if you don’t have at least one cleric in the party. Clerics make your battles FAR easier because they can heal party members in battle, meaning that you don’t have to spend anywhere near as many coins on healing potions and resurrection scrolls, and that you have less incidents of losing all of your treasure due to losing a later battle in a dungeon or cavern when you’re already weak. You can also beat tougher dungeons with weaker party members this way.

Saving your coins is important, because then you can research leadership. Research it again and again to unlock the ability to add more heroes to your party. At Leadership 3 you can have three heroes, with a fourth hero at Leadership 7, and five when your leadership has been upgraded to the maximum level.

Use those coins to upgrade your ember vault and ember baron, and then use the embers collection from the baron to upgrade your troops and to research class-specific upgrades, such as rank, abilities and attributes, which will, as a group, increase the maximum levels, statistics and special abilities that various types of heroes use.

Fight in the arena as often as possible to work on increasing your rank. As you earn higher ranks, you’ll earn bonuses, to include silver runes, epic summoning runes, and even diamonds, along with rare equipment and a host of other prizes. Again, be sure to bring healers into the arena, and especially to work on unlocking your commander’s mana abilities. If you have more than one healer in the party, even better.

Finally, when all else fails in your quest to become stronger? Just go old school and grind for levels until you’re strong enough to beat, kill or destroy whatever the next dungeon or group of enemies is that is in your path. Level grinding is, as is time honored tradition with RPGs, the surest way to get stronger and win.

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