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Boom Beach: Here’s Every Known Method of Getting Free Diamonds (and other resources).

Boom Beach might be a very different game from Clash of Clans (seriously, it is – don’t be fooled by the look), but there are some VERY notable similarities – mainly that if you have a credit card in good standing, and you get bit by the IAP bug, you can say goodbye to said good standing (and to your kid’s college fund). Thankfully, the kind souls over at Supercell Oy haven’t left their fans COMPLETELY high and dry. Just mostly (fine, I kid, I kid). Oh, and gold, wood, stone and iron are also important.

We’ll put the good stuff first. Here’s how to get free diamonds in Boom Beach:
-Complete the achievements, and go collect the rewards. They’re in the “three star” looking icon in the upper left corner of the screen, and there’s a damn near endless supply of them to complete.
-Search around the map area for treasure chests. Whenever you find one, open it and you’ll end up with free diamonds from it.

-Keep upgrading your radar to expand your searchable territory, and even more chests will pop up for you to open.
-Even in the areas that you have already unlocked, keep checking back because treasure chests pop up out of the water randomly. This, as far as you’re concerned, equals more and more free diamonds. And this game gives you even more premium currency for free than Clash of Clans does.

Next, here’s how to get more gold.
-Attack other islands for it. This is the fastest way to get more gold, period.
-Build more residences for hourly gold earnings. Upgrade them for more hourly gold earnings. Build more gold storages, and upgrade them, to hold more gold.
-Build and upgrade your vault to protect the gold (and other resources) that you already have.
-Collect the tributes from the islands that are under your protection. The more islands, the higher the tributes, so take over as many as possible.

Here’s how to get wood, stone and iron.
-Spend gold to knock down the trees in order to earn wood. Or upgrade your sawmill (you can never build new sawmills).
-At level six, you can remove rocks for stone. At level 6 you can build a stone storage and knock down rocks. At level 9 you can build an iron storage.
-Raid other islands who have iron storages, quarries, stone storages and iron mines.
-Finally, at level seven you get a quarry and at level ten you get an iron mine, so that you can actually earn an hourly income from them.
-Or just buy them all using your free diamonds!