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Star Wars: Assault Team Cheats and Tips: The Strategy Guide

Anyone remember Force Collection? For all three of you who said “yes” to that, you’ll be shocked at how much better Star Wars: Assault Team is. It’s still the same general genre of game, but the graphics and overall presentation have gone from low-budget straight up to the A-list, as the adventure mode of the game takes you through a fully 3D telling of what’s going on with Han Solo and the gang in their fight against the Empire. It’s vastly more difficult than FC was, as well, so don’t start playing without reading these tips!

-Max out the size of your team right away. You can only have four at a time on your team, but fill your team as early into the game as possible.
-Once you do that, focus on attaining the highest-tier cards possible. Tier 3s pop up as quest and arena rewards (as do, less commonly, tier 4s and tier 5s), but your surest way of finding them is with the more expensive hero crates.

-Power up your team with training items, promotion items and by sacrificing cards you don’t need. When you’re in the “train” menu, shuffle between training, promotion, heroes, and all.
-Use your promotional items right, though. Tap one to figure out who it should be used on, because if you use it to train the right character, you’ll actually increase their tier, not just their experience level.

-When you get stuck on a tough stage, go back to old stages and play them again so that you can get training materials and more cards.
-Or check out the special missions for a high chance at loading up on training or promotion items.

-Want free Corusca Gems? Sure you do, cheapskate. So do I. Go to the Tapjoy offer wall by tapping “Earn FREE gems” in the IAP store. Login on the Tapjoy website for even more free offers.
-Are the slow battles driving you insane? Go to the options menu and set the battles to “fastest”. This more than doubles the speed of completion.

-Once you beat the normal mode version of any stage, you will unlock the heroic mode, and once you beat the heroic mode, you’ll unlock epic mode. Hero is hard mode, and epic is insanely hard mode.
-You’re probably gonna die the first time you try to play them, but power up your team as noted above, and beat them, and you’ll have a shot at earning even better rewards than on the normal modes.

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