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The Tower (Ketchapp) – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

The Tower is a new tower building game by Ketchapp for the iPhone and iPad. Your goal is to build the highest tower possible, and to do this you have to drop the new piece onto the previous piece as accurately as possible. The game ends when you drop a piece and it doesn’t fall on your previous piece, and being that your pieces get smaller and smaller, this can be extremely tough. Read on for some tips and tricks for The Tower!

-Take your time. Drop the piece as accurately as possible. Any of the overhang will break off, and then your next piece will be the same size as your last piece.
-The smaller your pieces get, the faster they move before you drop them, making it tougher to be accurate.
-Also, the speed up as you earn points. The more points you have the more accurate you have to be.

-Perfect drops will earn you ten times more coins than the “good” drops will.
-Use boosts, but some of them are more useless than others.
-The head start is by far the best out of all of the boosts. Tap the gauge when it’s as close to the top as possible for the biggest head start.

-When the game tells you that floors fit better when you play fast, it lies. Floors fit exactly the same.
-The coin doubler power up is monumentally useless. It costs 1,000 coins, and you’ll never earn 500 coins in a round to begin with unless you are REALLY good at scoring perfects.
-The Insurance power up will give you an extra free restart from the last checkpoint. That’s also worthless because usually your last checkpoint is in a horrible location.

-You can use an extra life at the end of a level too, and it will take you back to the old checkpoint. This and the previous power up are only useful when you die very early on and your last checkpoint was on a big piece.
-Making a “good” match will earn you two coins. Making a “perfect match” will earn you twenty coins.

-If you want to get rid of the advertising, play the game in airplane mode or shut off your data and your wifi in order to make it happen.
-If you have a hex editor on the Android version of the game, or iExplorer on a PC on the iOS version, you can make it fairly easy to hack the game and change your high score.