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The Knights of Mira Molla – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

The Knights of Mira Molla is a new “trap strategy simulation game” according to people who like to invent genres. It’s essentially a cross between a card battling RPG and Clash of Clans, done in perhaps the smoothest and most unique way of any game that has tried to cross the two genres thus far. Read on for some tips and tricks for The Knights of Mira Molla!

As you play the game you’ll load up on all sorts of troops, most of who will quickly be useless to you. Power up your favorite troops and your rarest troops using your least powerful Mira Molla as upgrade fodder in the Power Up Synthesis area. If you come across ghost Mira Molla, they will earn exponentially more experience for your gaining Mira Molla compared to normal common cards.

Evolution, on the other hand, is done using Evo Synthesis. Each card will have a specific selection of evolution materials, and you won’t know what they are until you actually find them. For a good indicator on who they are, though, check the silhouettes and compare them to cards that you have seen in battle or that are in your inventory already.

As far as basic base defense, though, your defense strategies should be exactly as they are in Clash of Clans. If you have not played that one yet, then that means surround all of your important buildings with walls (such as the base headquarters and your gold and ether buildings) with walls, in multiple layers if possible, and with additional rows of walls to separate the buildings from each other.

Upgrade your turrets to as high as you can get them too. The more cannons and other defense towers that you have, the less enemies will stand a chance. The higher your base level, the more walls and turrets you can have. The flip side, though, is that you’ll earn less gold and ether from the same enemies.

Make strategic party selections based on who you have the most trouble defeating. Lizard troops, while common, are actually very valuable, for example, because they go after bombs, and when you use them in a bomb-infested stage, they actively search for bombs. They take no damage from bombs either. Range troops such as witches are extra valuable, too, because they can fire over walls.