Unsolved Mystery Club™: Amelia Earhart™ Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Unsolved Mystery Club™: Amelia Earhart™ Walkthrough
Welcome to the Unsolved Mystery Club™: Amelia Earhart™ Walkthrough!
Do you have what it takes to gain entrance to the Unsolved Mystery Club™ and investigate the clues and theories surrounding the disappearance of Amelia Earhart?
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Unsolved Mystery Club™: Amelia Earhart™ game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by prpldva.
Tips & Information
- The options menu allows for the adjustment of music and sounds volume.
- You may play this game in windowed or full screen mode.
- You may disable the custom cursor.
- From the main screen you may manage player profiles.
- You will have the option of a mini-tutorial once you start Chapter One.
- The hidden object list is in the bottom center bar.
- Items that are hidden or require a tool are in blue print.
- Hints are unlimited, but you must wait for the meter to refill.
- You may skip mini-games.
- When the cursor changes to a puzzle piece, some tool or action is required to reveal the object.
- The eye icon indicates that you must take a close look.
- The hand icon shows that you must pick up an item.

- The hidden object list is in the bottom center bar.
- Items that are hidden, or require a tool, are in blue print.
- Click on the Locations gear to show available areas.
- Click on the Inventory gear to show available tools.
- The number at the bottom center of the screen pertains to the number of objects remaining in a scene.

- Access the journal by clicking on its icon in the lower right corner when you are in the vault.
- You can review all the previously visited locations and theories.

The Vault
- After a long search, you may have found the warehouse for the Unsolved Mystery Club!
- Take the BRUSH from the ground; use it several times on the door plaque.
- Read the plaque to discover that you have indeed located the Club’s warehouse.
- Take the OIL CAN from the left and oil the gears on the door.
- Take the KEY CARD from the lower left and use it on the card reader to open the door.
- Click on the open doorway to enter the warehouse.

- Inside you are greeted by your guide, Henry Hudson.
- You need to repair the elevator machine.
- Look at the plans on the right to learn the machine is missing three GEARS.
- Open the right crate and the floor grate to find two of the GEARS.
- Turn the valve on the right to raise the cargo on the left, revealing the third GEAR.
- Place the GEARS on the machine to open the elevator.
- Click on the open door to progress.

- Flip the large switch on the right to illuminate the darkened room.
- The vault on the right is covered in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs regarding prehistoric visitors from other worlds! But that is an adventure for another day.
- Look at the left vault to trigger a mini-game.

- Amelia Earhart and 98 other women founded the first woman’s flying club called the 99′s in 1929.
- Find the three numbers that add up to 99.
- Click on the center 99 to rotate the numbers.
- When a number is lined up with one of the three outer spaces, click on it to move it to the space.

Chapter One: Early Years
- Click the newsreel footage to trigger the chapter module. (You may skip the newsreels.)
- Select the Chapter One module on the left.

- Locate the hidden objects in each of the three locations.
- You will have to travel back and forth between locations.
- When you locate tools, return to previous locations to uncover the blue items.
- Each location also has a hidden historic artifact.
- Tools will be marked in red; artifacts will be marked in yellow.
- You’ll repeat this process for each chapter module.
Earhart House
- Use the AXE found at Ogontz School to chop down the tree and find the bird.
- Use the RAKE found at Chicago, Illinois to rake the leaves and find the CROWBAR.
- The HAMMER is found in this scene’s hidden object list.
- For the hidden artifact, use the SCREWDRIVER found at Ogontz School on the vent.
- Put the tip of the SCREWDRIVER on each of the screws and click.

Chicago, Illinois
- Find the RAKE and the WATER CAN in this scene’s hidden object list.
- Use the HAMMER found at the Earhart House to open the crate on the right and find the pineapple.
- Use the CROWBAR found at the Earhart House to open the manhole and find the KEY.
- Look at the close-up of the truck; use the CHAIN CUTTER to open the door.
- Take the MICROSCOPE.

Ogontz School
- Open the toolbox and find the SCREWDRIVER.
- Take the CHAIN CUTTER from the dresser.
- Take the AXE from under the bureau.
- Use the WATER CAN found in Chicago, Illinois on the clay pot to grow the daisy.
- The KEY found in Chicago, Illinois will open the drawer under the bed.
- Take the BASKETBALL.

- Back in the vault, you can review information about the locations you’ve visited and artifacts you’ve found in the log book.
- Click on the first airplane in the flight school section for a mini-game.

- Select the correct color settings for each of the four dials.
- Set the dials and press “RUN” to test your selection.
- Green indicates that the color and location are correct.
- Yellow means the color is correct, but the location is wrong.
- Red indicates that both color and location are incorrect.
- You will have eight chances to correctly determine the color combination.

- Back in the vault, you can view a newsreel on one of the disappearance theories.
- Select the theory location on the right to look for clues.
- Scroll to the left and right to find the three clues.
- The jewel in the cursor will rapidly blink red when you are near an object.

Chapter Two: Flying Machines
- Click the newsreel footage to trigger the chapter module. (You may skip the newsreels.)
- Now select the Chapter Two module on the left.
- Locate the hidden objects in each of the three locations.
- You will have to travel back and forth between locations.
- When you locate tools, return to previous locations to uncover the blue items.
- Each location also has a hidden historic artifact.
- Tools will be marked in red; artifacts will be marked in yellow.
- You’ll repeat this process for each chapter module.
Electra Airplane
- Look at the close-up of the bucket; use the MAGNET from Spadina Hospital to find the rope.
- Use the SHOVEL found at the Vega Airplane to find the WRENCH in the dirt pile.
- Cut the piece of wood with the SAW from the Vega Airplane to find the horseshoe.
- For the hidden artifact, look at the close-up of the plane’s windscreen; use the WIPER found at Spadina Hospital to clean the glass.
- Take the PLANE YOKE.

Vega Airplane
- Locate the SHOVEL, BLOW TORCH, and SAW.
- Use the SCISSORS found at Spadina Hospital to cut open the burlap bag and find the LETTER OPENER.
- The hidden artifact is in the narrow box on the right; use the WRENCH from the Electra Airplane to open the latch.

Spadina Hospital
- Locate the SCISSORS and the MAGNET.
- Move the garbage can lid to find the WIPER.
- Use the BLOW TORCH from the Vega Airplane on the block of ice four times to find the necklace.
- Look at the close-up of the envelope; use the LETTER OPENER found at the Vega Airplane to find the hidden artifact.

- Back in the vault, select the second flight school icon for a mini-game.
- Guide the plane through the hoops without running out of gas or sustaining too much damage.
- Collect fuel by flying into the gas cans.
- Guide the plane by moving your mouse; do not press any mouse buttons.
- Once the progress meter fills, you are finished.
- Should you run out of gas or take too much damage, the game will reset.
- For part one, fly through the hoops and collect the fuel.
- During part two, you will also fly though the hoops and at the end, fly upside down on your return.
- Move your mouse to the left to fly upside down.
- For part three, you will need to avoid flying obstacles.

- Back in the vault, you can view another newsreel on one of the theories.
- Now select the theory location on the right to look for clues.
- Scroll to the left and right to find the three clues.
- The jewel in the cursor will rapidly blink red when you are near an object.

Chapter Three: Setting Records
- Click the newsreel footage to trigger the chapter module. (You may skip the newsreels.)
- Now select the Chapter Three module on the left.
- Locate the hidden objects in each of the three locations.
- You will have to travel back and forth between locations.
- When you locate tools, return to previous locations to uncover the blue items.
- Each location also has a hidden historic artifact.
- Tools will be marked in red; artifacts will be marked in yellow.
- You’ll repeat this process for each chapter module.
- Click on the barrel to find the AXE.
- Take the CLOCK HANDS and the SAFE DIAL.
- Look at the close-up of the piggy bank; use the HAMMER found in Wales, England to smash the bank.
- Take the DIAMOND RING hidden artifact.

Hawaii, America
- Take the hat to find the CAN OPENER.
- Use the DOOR KNOB from Wales, England on the door to find the mop.
- The BOX CUTTERS from Wales, England will open the cardboard box so you can take the NET.
- The hidden artifact is in the case with the chains.
- Use the AXE from the Autogyro on the case to find the DESIGNER LABEL.

Wales, England
- Take the BOX CUTTER and the DOOR KNOB.
- Use the SAFE DIAL found at the Autogyro on the safe to find the HAMMER.
- Use the CAN OPENER from Hawaii, America to open the can and find the fish.
- Use the CLOCK HANDS found at the Autogyro on the clock face to make the clock.
- For the artifact, use the NET found in Hawaii, America to retrieve the CANE.

- Back in the vault, select the third flight school icon.
- Select the correct color settings for each of the four dials.
- Set the dials and press “RUN” to test your selection.
- Green indicates that the color and location are correct.
- Yellow means the color is correct, but the location is wrong.
- Red indicates that both color and location are incorrect.
- You will have 8 chances to correctly determine the color combination.

- Back in the vault, you can view a newsreel on one of the disappearance theories.
- Now select the third theory location on the right to look for clues.
- Scroll to the left and right to find the three clues.
- The jewel in the cursor will rapidly blink red when you are near an object.

Chapter Four: World Traveler
- Click the newsreel footage to trigger the chapter module. (You may skip the newsreels.)
- Now select the Chapter Two module on the left.
- Locate the hidden objects in each of the three locations.
- You will have to travel back and forth between locations.
- When you locate tools, return to previous locations to uncover the blue items.
- Each location also has a hidden historic artifact.
- Tools will be marked in red; artifacts will be marked in yellow.
- You’ll repeat this process for each chapter module.
New York, America
- Use the KEY found on Ford Island to open the box with the hidden artifact.
- Take the CAMERA.

Paris, France
- Click on the rightmost hot air balloon’s side to find the WELDER.
- Use the BARBELL found in New York, America to move the weights aside revealing the DOG COLLAR.
- For the hidden artifact, use the LIGHTER from New York, America on the small center balloon.
- Once the balloon floats away, take the 99 EMBLEM.

Ford Island, America
- Use the DOG COLLAR from Paris, France on the dog.
- Use the GLUE from New York, America to repair the vase.
- Open the hubcap with the TIRE IRON from New York, American and take the KEY.
- The hidden artifact is the TROWEL.
- Use the WELDER from Paris, France to repair the TROWEL.

- Guide the plane through the hoops without running out of gas or sustaining too much damage.
- Collect fuel by flying into the gas cans.
- Move your mouse to guide the plane; do not press any mouse buttons.
- Once the progress meter fills, you are finished.
- Should you run out of gas or take too much damage, the game will reset.
- For part one, fly through all the hoops and collect the fuel.
- During parts two and three, you will also fly though the hoops, some of which you will need to fly through upside down on your return.
- Move your mouse to the left to fly upside down.

- Back in the vault, you can view a newsreel on one of the disappearance theories.
- Select the fourth theory location on the right to look for clues.
- Scroll to the left and right to find the three clues.
- The jewel in the cursor will rapidly blink red when you are near an object.

Chapter Five: Final Voyage
- Click the newsreel footage to trigger the chapter module. (You may skip the newsreels.)
- Now select the Chapter Two module on the left.
- Locate the hidden objects in each of the three locations.
- You will have to travel back and forth between locations.
- When you locate tools, return to previous locations to uncover the blue items.
- Each location also has a hidden historic artifact.
- Tools will be marked in red; artifacts will be marked in yellow.
- You’ll repeat this process for each chapter module.
Assab, Eritea
- Use the FISHING REEL from Rangoon, Burma on the rod to find the fish.
- Open the bottle with the BOTTLE OPENER from Carapito, Venezuela; take the KNIFE.
- The hidden artifact is found using the SPOON from Caripito, Venezuela on the bowl of white seeds.
- Take the MEDAL.

Caripito, Venezuela
- Open the grill on the car to find the BOTTLE OPENER.
- Use the SCREWDRIVER you found in Assab, Eritea to open the panel on the plane and find the SPOON.
- Use the TONGS from Rangoon, Burma to remove coal from the bucket and uncover the domino.
- Open the locker with the KEY from Rangoon, Burma to find the hidden artifact.
- Take the COVERALLS.

Rangoon, Burma
- Take the TONGS and the FISHING REEL.
- Open the fishing creel and take the KEY.
- Use the KNIFE from Assab, Eritea on the curtain to find the hidden artifact.
- Take the Buddha STATUE.

- Back at the vault again, review the log book and the theories you have investigated.
- Close the log book by clicking on the blue button in the upper right.
- You may also review the artifacts and news reels.
- Select the Vote module that has appeared in the center of the vault.

- Click on the box with the theory that you believe is correct.
Congratulations! You have just completed Unsolved Mystery Club: Amelia Earhart!