Little Noir Stories: The Case of the Missing Girl Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Little Noir Stories: The Case of the Missing Girl Walkthrough
Welcome to the Little Noir Stories: The Case of the Missing Girl Walkthrough!
Help Detective Muller investigate the case and search for the missing girl!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Little Noir Stories: The Case of the Missing Girl game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by prpldva.
General Tips & Information
- The options menu allows for the adjustment of music and sounds volume.
- You may play this game in windowed or full screen mode.
- You may disable the custom cursor.

- From the main screen you may manage player profiles.
- You may play this game in Classic or Novel mode.
- Choose the Classic mode for short, non-interactive conversations. For the player that wants to get right to the hidden objects.
- The Novel mode has longer, deeper, interactive conversations.
- Note- You can change modes after each chapter.
- You may choose to have an in-game tutorial.

- Hidden object screens will consist of a main view with several sparkling close-up areas.
- All items must be taken from a close-up view are are found in several scenes.
- The hidden object list is in the bottom center bar.
- Your current objective is shown to the left of the hidden object list.
- Pay close attention to your objectives as secret objectives can appear.
- Click on the flashlight in the lower left corner once the meter is full for a hint.
- Select the toolbox on the lower right to access your inventory.

- Access the journal by clicking on its icon in the lower right corner.
- Inside the journal is a map with available locations.
- Notes on each of the people in the case.
- Notes on the case.
- The “X” on the map indicates your current locations.
- Locations with locks cannot be currently accessed.

- The flag tab in the journal will show your current progress in a chapter.

Chapter One
- Muller received a mysterious note with a photo of an abducted girl.
- His partner, Miss Chandler will be upset that he went on ahead without her.

- Select the back door of the car to view the close-up and locate the items from the list.
- Move your cursor down to the lower bar to find the exit arrow.

- Select the front door of the car.
- Collect the remaining items on the hidden object list.
- You are now asked to gather the three LOCK PICKS.
- After finding the LOCK PICKS, exit the front seat and return to the back seat.
- Open the compartment on the back of the seat and take the PHOTO.

- Click on the tool box in the lower bar to reveal your inventory.
- Use the LOCK PICKS on the front door to trigger a mini-game.

- Rotate the 6 rings so that all 3 lock picks can move to the center.
- Click on the try button to test your solution.

- Once inside the building, the janitor will give you a map.
- Select the only location without a lock.

- The home office has two close-up locations.

- Select the right close-up area and locate the hidden objects.
- Take note of the blank piece of paper.
- Exit the scene and select the left close-up.

- Find the remaining items on the list.

- The accountant claims he knows nothing about the missing girl.
- Select the mannequin room on the map.
- This location has three close-up areas.

- Select the right close-up area.
- Notice there are two objective lists.
- Find the items on the two lists that are in this scene.

- Select the center area.
- Notice there are two objective lists.
- Find the items on the two lists that are in this scene.

- Select the left area.
- Locate the remaining 3 pieces of luggage.

- The lights go out and it seems that some items are missing.
- Determine the 4 missing items by comparing the two scenes.

- Return to the map and choose the Asian Room.
- Shen wants you to bring her a dragon that is in this room but not from this room.
- Click on the dragon sculpture just to the left of Shen.
- Maybe you can make a rubbing.
- Click on the map and return to the Home office.
- Select the right close-up area and take the PAPER.

- Click on the map and go to the Mannequin room.
- Select the left close-up area.
- Take the COAL then return to the dragon room.

- Click on the toolbox to open your inventory.
- Combine the COAL and the PAPER to make the RUBBING KIT.
- Use the RUBBING KIT on the dragon.
- Shen only tells you there is trouble.

- You head to the storage area and notice there had been some traffic.
- Locate the 10 foot prints.
- You notice what looks like the face of the missing girl.
- Try to open the door.
- Take the CROWBAR and use it to open the door.
- You notice it is a straw figure just before you are knocked out cold.

Chapter Two
- You are now playing as Miss Chandler and are searching for your partner.
- Click on the back door to Muller’s car.
- Find the 3 lacerations.
- Find the trace of violence and exit the close-up.

- Click on the front door to Muller’s car.
- Find the remaining traces of violence and exit the close-up.

- Go to the front of the building, there are two close-up areas.
- Select the area at the top of the stairs.

- Try to find a way into the building.
- Click on the angle statue, but it is too heavy.
- Exit the close-up.

- Select the close-up area near the front door.
- Take the MOP and exit the close-up.

- Return to the upper area and use the mop on the statue.
- Try to open both locks, but one needs lubrication.
- Exit the close-up and return to the lower close-up.

- Try to take the oil can, but Miss Chandler will not take it bare-handed.
- Take the RAG and use it to take the OIL CAN.
- Exit the close-up and return to the upper door.
- Take the OIL CAN from your inventory and use it on the rusty lock.
- Click on the door to open it and enter the building.
- Miss. Chandler automatically takes the map.
- Select the Big Man’s Loft.
- This location has two close-up areas.

- Select the right close-up view.
- Locate the available items from the list.
- Exit the close-up.

- Select the left close-up view.
- Locate the available items from the list.
- Exit the close-up.

- Exit to the map and select the Darkroom.
- This location had one close-up area.

- Select the close-up and locate the three cameras.
- Locate the items on two additional lists.
- Try to look at the blackboard, but the light is wrong.
- Take the RED BULB.

- Exit the close-up.
- Use the RED BULB on the lamp over the blackboard.
- The message revealed is: The key is in the serpent box.

- Exit to the map and enter the ladies kitchen.
- There are three close-up areas in this location.

- Select the right close-up area.
- Locate the items of wealth.

- Select the center close-up area.
- Locate the items of wealth.

- Select the left close-up area.
- Locate the items of wealth.

- Talk to the woman, but she has not seen Muller either.
- Time to check out the storeroom.
- You automatically go to the storage area.
- Locate the evidence that Muller was in the room.
- Try the door, but it is locked.

- Exit to the map and return to the big man’s loft.
- Talk to him.
- He agrees to lend you the box if you find his awards.
- Make sure to click on the outlines of the missing awards on the wall.

- Exit to the map and return to the darkroom.
- There are two close-up areas this time.

- Select the right close-up area.

- Exit the right close-up and select the left close-up.
- Exit to the map and return to the big man’s loft.

- Place the four AWARDS into the matching spots on the wall.

- Click on the box on the bed to trigger a mini-game.
- Restore the snake design on the box by rotating the rings and circles.
- There are eight moving pieces.
- Once the mini-game is solved, a drawer will open with a CLOCK KEY.

- Exit to the map and go Mrs. Lindberg’s kitchen.
- Talk to Mrs’ Lindberg and she agrees to lend you her key if you repair the clock.
- This scene has three close-up areas.

- Select each of the close-up areas and find the available GEARS.

- Exit to the map and return to the dark room.
- This location has two close-up areas.

- Select each of the close-up areas and find the available GEARS.

- Exit to the map and return to the kitchen.
- Click on the wall clock to trigger a mini-game.
- The object is to connect all the gears.
- Drag the loose gears from the right and place them into the clock to link the three gears already present.

- Mrs. Lindberg gives you the storeroom KEY.
- Take the KEY from your inventory and unlock the door.
- You find Muller, alive, but with a large knot on his head.

Chapter Three
- Muller and Miss Chandler bring each other up to speed.
- Muller suggests they split up with him taking the top floor this time.
- He starts out in the Big man’s loft.
- Click on the note on the wall to read that Art has left.
- Click on the music program on the wall.
- This location has 2 close-up areas.

- Look at the close-up areas and find evidence that Art is gone.

- Next, Miss Chandler visits the mannequin room.
- This location has 1 close-up area.

- Select the close-up area and take the two ERASERS.
- Combine the ERASERS inside of your inventory.
- Use the ERASERS on the blackboard to trigger a mini-game.

- Take the ERASERS and click them over the blackboard until four words appear.
- The hidden message is: Stakeout Paris Back Monday.

- Muller looks in Mrs. Lindberg’s kitchen.
- The cooking timer is down to two minutes.
- This location has three close-up areas.

- Check the three areas for personal papers.
- Find the 8 papers before the timer runs out and Mrs. Lindberg returns.

- Miss. Chandlers talks to Miss. Shen.
- You may choose any type of response.
- Miss. Shen wants to play I SPY.
- This location has three close-up areas.

- Check the three areas for hidden objects.

- Miss. Shen mentions a secret objective, but you cannot access it at this time.
- Back at the darkroom, you will have several objectives.
- This location has two close-up areas.

- Select the right close-up first and click on the yellow-green liquid in the sink.
- Collect the available items for the three active objectives.

- Exit and select the left close-up.
- Collect the available items for the three active objectives.
- You should still need 4 pipes and the spoon.

- Exit to the map and go to the big man’s loft.
- Select the left close-up and take the pipe and the wrench.

- Exit and select the right close-up
- Take the pipe and exit to the map.

- Choose the kitchen.
- This location has two close-up areas.
- Look at both close-up areas and find one pipe piece in each.
- Exit the kitchen and return to the darkroom.

- Look at the close-up of the sink.
- Click on the slightly open cabinet door to trigger a mini-game.

- The object of this mini-game is to connect the pipes so that the liquid can drain from the sink.
- You do not have to use all the pipes.

- Take the spoon from the sink.
- You will automatically go to the kitchen.
- Take the LOANED ITEMS from your inventory and give them to Mrs. Lindberg.
- After discussing Miss’ Mumler’s trip to Europe, you go to the accountant’s office.
- Look at the right close-up and click on the grocery list.
- Now collect the grocery items from both close-up areas.

- Exit to the map and go to Miss. Shen’s.
- Click on the Yin-Yang on the back wall to activate a mini-game.
- The object of this mini-game is to swap the tiles and reform the spider.
- Left-click on a tile to pick it up.
- Left-click on another tile of the same size to swap the pieces.

- Time to meet with Muller in the storage room.
- You discuss what both of you have discovered and determine it is time to look at the janitor.
- In the Janitor’s room, click on the chessboard to learn it is missing a piece.
- Take Muller’s wallet from the chair.
- Click on the right close up and take the WHITE ROOK.
- Exit the close-up and place the WHITE ROOK on the chessboard.

- Dunn tells you his alibi.
- Exit to the map and visit the kitchen.
- Ask Mrs. Lindberg about Mr. Dun’s alibi.
- Exit to the map and visit the Asian room.
- Ask Miss. Shen about Mr. Dunn’s alibi.
- Exit to the map and return to Mr. Dunn’s room.
- Look at the two close-up areas to find evidence of his alibi.

- Talk to Mr. Dunn again and learn that he is the owner and caretaker of this place.
Chapter Four
- Mr. Dunn says you must be initiated.
- Visit the uninhabited areas and bring back 15 LEAVES.
- Exit to the map and go to Muller’s car.
- Collect the LEAVES from the two close-up areas.

- Exit to the map and go to the back entrance.
- Collect the LEAVES from the two close-up areas.

- Exit to the map and go to the first floor storage room
- Open the book to find a leaf.
- A child’s drawing falls out.
- Find the 8 pieces of the torn photo.
- Collect the other two LEAVES.
- There are strange noises coming from the pipes.
- Examine the pipes and learn that a hammer would be best to answer.
- Click on the door to go to the second floor storage room.

- Collect the last two LEAVES.

- Exit to the map and return to the janitor’s room.
- Take the LEAVES from your inventory and give them to Mr. Dunn.
- Mr. Dunn now wants you to visit the uninhabited areas and bring back 15 FLOWERS.
- Exit to the map and go to Muller’s car.
- There is a bag with some film to the left of the car.
- Take the FILM.
- There is an new objective- find chemicals to develop the film.

- Look at the left close-up area an open the ashtray to find a FLOWER.
- Take the other FLOWER and the vinegar.
- Open the compartment on the back of the seat and take the TAPE.
- Combine the TAPE and the torn photo.
- Exit and go to the right close-up.

- Take the two FLOWERS.
- Exit to the map and select the rear entrance.

- Exit to the map and go to the back entrance.
- Collect the FLOWERS from the two close-up areas.
- Make sure to collect the secret file on Miss Chandler in the right close-up.

- Exit to the map and go to the first floor storage room
- Collect the FLOWERS.
- Click on the door to go to the second floor storage room.

- Collect the two flowers.
- You are still missing a flower.

- Exit to the map and go to the darkroom.
- Look at the left close-up.
- Take the FIXER and the DEVELOPER.
- Put the FIXER into tray “C”.
- Put the VINEGAR into tray “B”.
- Put the DEVELOPER into try “A”.
- You need to add some water to the vinegar.

- Exit the close-up and select the right close-up.
- Take the empty glass and click in on the sink to get a FULL GLASS of water.

- Exit the sink area and return to the left close-up.
- Take the FULL GLASS from inventory and use it on tray “B”.
- We need to gather more materials.
- Exit to the map and go to Muller’s car.
- Look in the back seat and find the CLOTHESPIN.

- Exit to the map and go the back entrance.
- Look at the upper close-up and take the CLOTHESPIN.

- Exit to the map and go to the first floor storage room.
- Take the PHOTO PAPER.

- Exit to the map and go to the second floor storage room.
- Take the PAPER TONGS.

- You are automatically returned to the darkroom.
- The FILM automatically goes into the projector.
- The CLOTHESPINS automatically go to the hanging cord.
- The PHOTO PAPER automatically goes under the developer.
- The projector is missing a lens.
- Click on the sink close-up and find the LENS.

- Exit the close-up.
- Place the LENS on the projector.
- .Turn on the red light.
- Click on the projector to put the image on the paper.
- Take the PAPER TONGS from your inventory and pick up the paper.
- Always using the tongs, dip the paper in tray “A”, tray “B”, and tray “C” for a few seconds.
- Hang the photo on the line.
- Repeat the process for the second picture.

- Take the photos from the line.
- The flower photo completes the flower collection.
- The second photo looks familiar.
- Look at the left close-up and locate the identical photo.

- Exit to the map and return to Mr. Dunn.
- Give him the FLOWERS from your inventory.
- He now needs help finding INSECTS.
- Select the right close-up and locate the three INSECTS.

- Exit and go to the left close-up area.
- Find the two INSECTS.
- Take the HAMMER.
- Once you have all five INSECTS, click on the insect collection to trigger a mini-game.

- The object of this mini-game is to place the insects into the box so that all the insects in one row or column have something in common.
- One row may be all blue insects, a column may have all winged insects.

- The janitor thinks you are ready and gives you access to the garden.
- Look at the well in the center of the garden.
- There is a platform that goes down into the well, but the engine is broken.
- Select the two close-up areas and find the missing parts.

- Exit to the map and go to Mr. Dunn’s room.
- He needs you to find a few more items along with 15 SEEDS.
- Look at the two close-up areas in Mr’ Dunn’s room and take the two needed items.

- Exit to the map and return to Muller’s car.
- Look at the two close-up areas and find the SEEDS and the WRENCH.

- Exit to the map and go to the rear entrance.
- Look at the two close-up areas and find the SEEDS and the BELT.

- Exit to the map and go to the first floor storage room.
- Locate the SEEDS.
- Take the HAMMER from inventory and use it on the pipes.
- Someone or something answers back.

- Exit to the map and go to the second floor storage room.
- Locate the SEEDS and the PISTON.

- Exit to the map and return to Mr. Dunn’s room.
- Give Mr. Dunn the SEEDS.
- Exit to the map and go to the garden.
- Click on the engine in front of the well for a mini-game.
- You need to place the pieces on the engine in the order presented.
- The first set is the housing, the piston and the gear strap.

- The second set is the electric box, gas tank and then oil pan.

- The third set is the motion rod, control panel and fill the gas tank.

- For the fourth set, you must first remove the fan cover.
- Install the fan blade, then replace the cover.
- Press the manual start button.
- Press the control button.

- The accountant was the one stuck down the well and he thinks we have been hired to kill him.
Chapter Five
- After showing him the torn photo and the drawing, Mr. Dunn still does not believe that a child is in danger.
- Exit to the map and go to the back entrance.
- Click at the base of the stairs where the statue has fallen for a mini-game.
- We are missing some TABLETS for the game and could use some VINEGAR to clean the plaque.
- Look at both of the close-ups and find the TABLETS.

- Exit to the map and go to the Mannequin room.
- Someone has changed the costumes and hats are missing.
- Look at the center and right close-ups to find the four hats.
- The colonel hat is gone.

- Look at the left close-up and take the DOLL from the chair.

- Exit to the map and select the second floor storage room.
- Remove the tarp and look at the paper press.

- Exit to the map and select the garden.
- Look at the right close-up and take the two TABLETS.
- Click on the tombstone to read the inscription.

- Exit the right and choose the left close-up.
- Take the two TABLETS.

- Exit to the map and go to Mr. Dunn’s place.
- Give him the DOLL from your inventory.
- Click on the missing Colonel’s hat.

- Exit to the map and select the kitchen.
- Look at the left close-up and examine the miniature press.

- Exit the left close-up and look at the right close-up.
- Take the vinegar.

- Exit to the map and head to the garden.
- Look at the left close-up and take the RAG.

- Exit to the map and go to the back entrance.
- Click on the broken statue at the base of the stairs.
- Combine the VINEGAR and RAG inside your inventory.
- Use it to clean off the plaque.
- The object of this mini-game is to place the tablets in chronological order.
- Once the tablets are in order, the panel opens to reveal a secret message.

- Exit to the map and return to Mr. Dunn.
- Give him the secret message.
- He agrees that there may be someone hiding in the old monastery cells.
- Exit to the map and go to the big man’s loft.
- Talk to Art and he gives you a list.
- Look at the left close-up and find the items from Art’s list and the metronome from the drawing.

- Go to the right close-up and find the remaining items from Art’s list.

- Exit to the map and go to the Asian room.
- Talk to Miss Shen and she warns you not to touch the paper.
- Look at the right close-up.
- Take the PAPER and the rabbit’s foot.

- Exit and go to the center close-up.
- Take the PAPER from your inventory and use it on the candle to reveal a message.
- Exit the close-up and talk to Miss. Shen about the message.

- Exit to the map and visit the home office.
- Click on the figurines just above the accountant’s head for a mini-game.
- The object is to spell out the owner’s name with the figures.
- Click on two figurines to swap places.

- Exit to the map and go to the kitchen.
- Click on the pearls on the stove.
- Look at the left close-up and select the remaining items from the picture.

- The secret passage must be in the kitchen.
- You need to distract Mrs. Lindberg.
- Exit to the map and go to Mr. Dunn’s room.
- Look at the left close-up.
- Eat all the cookies, then take the PLATE.
- Take the CANDLE.

- Exit to the map and go to the big man’s loft.
- Look at the right close-up and take the LIGHTER.

- Exit to the map and return to the kitchen.
- Give Mrs. Lindberg the PLATE.
- Combine the LIGHTER and the CANDLE
- Take the LIT CANDLE and move it around the room to find the draft.
- Click on the spot the candle flickers to find the secret door.

- Enter the secret room to find a little girl.
- Mrs. Lindberg arrives and has Muller’s gun.
- She shoots at him and runs off.
- This next section is timed.
- Find a trace of Mrs. Lindberg’s path in each room to progress.

- Here you must decide whether to go to the garden or the storage room.
- We took the path of the storage room.

- Dunn arrives and will be sending Mrs. Lindberg to be “taken care of” by friends overseas.
- You return to the little girl.
- Talk to Amelia- she is worried about her shapes homework.
- Click on the puzzle pieces for a mini-game.

- The object to these puzzles is to arrange the pieces into the designs.
- Use left-click to pick up or place the piece.
- To rotate a piece, move the cursor around until you see the arrows, then click.
- There are three puzzles here.

- Now that homework is done, she can leave, but wants her dolls.
- Look at both close-up areas and take the ten dolls.

- Muller tells Lilly she is safe.
Congratulations! You have just completed Little Noir Stories: The Case of the Missing Girl!