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Online Games Rob You Of Your Time

Do you play games online? If you do, have you ever considered the amount of time that you are spending playing on them. I never really thought about the time that I was spending on playing a particular online game until the other day. I suddenly realised that I had actually played this particular game for over 5 hours. I was suddenly horrified, as I realised that online games rob you of your time. Surely I thought there were other more productive ways I could think of in spending my time.

I won’t mention the particular game, but you may be able to guess. Anyway I started playing this online game because of recommendations from my friends. ‘Oh you must play this game its really good’. I seriously should not have listened to them, but I did and started playing this particular game to see what the fuss was about. Well I initially thought it was good and a bit challenging. However as I progressed through the different levels, the game levels started to became more difficult to complete.

When I reached level 65 on this particular game, I literally found myself spending hours upon hours in trying to complete this level. There was an option of paying for extra moves and energy, but I thought this would be a slippery slope in starting to pay money to complete levels. I don’t believe in paying for playing to complete online games as it takes away the challenge and once you pay where would it all end.

Then I got quite angry thinking, that these type of online games were made easy to lure people to start to play. Once youre hooked then some of the games levels are made so dififcult as to be almost impossible to complete, unless you pay the money for extra help. After having these thoughts, I suddenly thought, enough is enough, stop playing the stupid game, its no good for your brain, just makes you angry and frustrated and takes up far too much of my time.

Yes I enjoyed the challenge of the game and moving up the different levels and catching up with my friends higher up, but really was it seriously worth the time that it was taking up in my life. I decided No it was definitely not and I made a promise to myself that I would not play this game or any other similar type of online game again.

With five hours of my time I could have done numerous things. I could have probably

• Read a book.

• Watched a film.

• Gone for a long walk.

• Cooked a meal.

• Met with friends

• Took a train journey

And a hundred and one more, other meaningful things to do.

What about you?