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Some Starcraft 2 Top Protoss Strategies

Those who play Starcraft 2 know that one needs to employ sound strategy in order to succeed in the game. There are many types of races you can use when playing this game and one of them is the Protoss. If you are planning on using the Protoss race to play, you must ensure you know the top Protoss strategies for you to succeed.

The Protoss are an ancient race of psychic aliens. They usually have advanced technology and effective units, which makes them better than the other races in terms of unit versus unit effectiveness. Like other races you do not have to be a pro to use the Protoss however there are various strategies and tricks to make the most of them.

Playing as the Protoss is usually fun because they are powerful enough to oppose any attack from the enemy provided that they are used properly. This is the primary reason why most people choose them.

There are several main strategies you can use with this race. Each strategy involves using a specific combination of units to attack or defend. One of the units is the Zealot. They are the best basic ground close-combat unit in the game. They have regenerating shields and an excellent damage output. This makes them great for absorbing damage during battles, since they do not die easily.

Zealots come in handy especially at the beginning of the game. You can use them to cause huge amounts of damage to opposing armies and their workers provided that you can catch your opponent off balance. This enables you to win easily, since the opponent has to concentrate on producing more units to defend which wastes a lot of time and resources.

Another powerful tool at your disposal is the void ray. It is a very destructive force that can be potent in the early game. Provided that you keep your Stargate hidden you could also catch the enemy off guard if they do not get enough anti air defenses in time. If you have a group of void rays, it is advisable that you focus all of them on the enemy unit you want to destroy. This will allow you to destroy the enemy unit faster.

There is also a structure called the Photon Cannon. Most people underestimate their power and fail to use them. These defensive structures are effective against both air and ground targets. Against Zerg and Protoss opponents it's possible to execute a Cannon rush. A Cannon rush involves quickly warping in the Forge and then sending a Probe near the enemy base to warp in a Pylon or two. Once the Pylon has been warped in then the Probe can be ordered to warp in Photon Cannons to attack the enemy's base.

This strategy is risky but can be very effective and could mean the end of the game for your opponent. You should have some defenses setup within your base when executing this strategy as the opponent may decide to counterattack your own base. This strategy can sometimes come in handy when you are in a team game. Your team mates can cover you while you use the Photon Cannons to attack one of your opponents.

There are of course many other strategies that you can use in this game. All you have to do is play games against many opponents and identify which ones suit you best.