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StarCraft 2 Top Terran Strategies Review

There are a few races that one can use when playing StarCraft 2 online. One of these races is the Terran race which has its own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, learning some of the top Terran strategies comes in handy when playing the game.

The Terran race is thought to be the most balanced race in the game. This is because it has the most flexible units and stable structures. However, it also has its shortcomings. First of all, most Terran units are relatively fragile and the Terrans do not have melee units to soak up damage like the Zerg and Protoss races. Their units also take some time to be produced.

It is due to this fact that the race is sometimes vulnerable to unexpected attacks. This makes them an easy target if unprepared and most players who use other races sometimes prefer attacking Terrans. That is why it is important for you to look for the best Terran strategies that will help you solve this problem. One of the most important parts of playing as the Terrans is utilizing Scans and MULE call downs effectively.

The MULE is a very important part of the Terran race. It plays an important role in the economy, allowing you to harvest resources faster than your opponents even if they have a small worker number advantage. Calling the mule provides extra minerals to your economy. This in turn helps you to create units and buildings to defeat your enemies.

The Scan ability that is provided by the Orbital Command should be used with care as it costs the same amount of energy as a MULE call down. Use the Scan ability to check on your opponent's base and forces without putting any units in jeopardy. Sometimes it's helpful to have at least one scan saved up around the mid to late game in case you encounter cloaked units without a detector.

A major part of playing online is surviving the initial stages of the match. If you're not careful then your opponent can end the game quickly with an early rush. Against Zerg and Protoss opponents it's usually recommended to wall off with a Barracks and Supply Depots on the ramp to stop them from flooding into your base. You should not wall off against a Terran opponent as all of their units have a decent range and can usually take down the wall without being attacked.

There are many other Terran strategies that can help you defeat your Protoss, Terran and Zerge opponents. The most important thing you can do when playing StarCraft 2 is practice against others, honing your skills.