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Zerg Starcraft 2 Ultralisk Cavern Tactics

Zerg players have many advantages going for them in game play, and familiarity with the best Ultralisk Cavern tactics can help to maximize those advantages at the late game to their fullest. As one of the Zerg's advanced building structures, the Cavern is essential for the production of the powerful Ultralisk. Since this unit is sometimes a necessity for Zerg players at the late game, every player should be familiar with its important role in the game.

The Ultralisk Cavern can be created once the Zerg player has a Hive on the field. This structure has an upgrade called Chitinous Plating which increases the armor of all Ultralisks by two.

It is important to know exactly what these Ultralisk Caverns do and why they matter. Since they are required for creating a powerful end-game unit, some Zerg players devote a great deal of resources to tech up to them as quickly as possible. There are some benefits and drawbacks to this devotion, however, as the expenditure of the time and resources necessary to creating this structure can take attention away from other potential strategies.

As one example, players who are committed to developing a Cavern would do well to avoid any rush towards its construction. The best strategies for teching up to this structure involve a more deliberate approach to early and middle-game techniques. In other words you should use other units to attack and defend before even thinking of teching up to Ultralisks.

Because of the resource allocation required for any commitment to creating the Ultralisk, early game rush attempts by Zerg players can be crippling to the effort. If a rush fails, the enemy can retaliate against the Zerg player by attacking key resources or bringing devastation to his door step.

As a general rule, then, it is wise for the Zerg player to engage in skirmishes rather than full-scale battles if they are looking to play until the late game. Some Zerg commanders commit themselves to fighting in such a way as they tech up to this structure as well as other advanced structures and units.

It is fortunate for Zerg players that they have picked a race with the ability to create many low-level units in a hurry. These less powerful units can often delay enemy victory and buy the Zerg player the time he needs to tech up. Because this structure requires a lengthy tech tree process before it can be built, the more powerful units that it produces are only seen in late game play.

As a result, Zerg players who want to eventually field the Ultralisk must ensure that they develop a stable and viable economy to ensure that they advance in both tech and resources. Players who are able to master the Starcraft 2 Ultralisk Cavern tactics necessary to produce this building will find, however, that the units they produce can quickly contribute to any victory.