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The StarCraft 2 Choke Points Guide

There are many StarCraft 2 players in today's society that have an extremely competitive nature. Their main goal is to win by any means necessary. Therefore many will get their competitive edge through utilizing every little advantage they can get. One thing they would utilize would be terrain features such as choke points.

Choke points(CPs) are elements of terrain that can be found in StarCraft 2. These can be used to place your opponents at a huge disadvantage. Therefore, with the right strategies, your opponent will be on the way to a possible defeat.

Players may locate these areas by identifying territories that are open and are connected by narrow stretches of land. Generally, the movement of ground units trying to go through choke points will be constricted. These choke points can be created by players if they choose to use buildings or even force fields as the Protoss.

The artificial choke points can be created by using the combination of buildings, units or force fields. The narrower they are, the more constricted the enemy's units. Fewer units are required when defending the end of a choke point.

They can be walled off by using buildings in order to stop units that are quick and have high mobility. These include [censored] ions and Zerglings. Keep in mind that choke points can be utilized by the opponent in much the same way.

The Terrans can use buildings such as Supply Depots and Barracks to create a sort of gate within a choke point. The Protoss would usually use a combination of units and buildings to wall off a choke point while allowing access for their units. The Zerg on the other hand would usually use a wall of units to control a choke point such as Roaches or Queens.

One tip is to always look for spawn locations which appear to be inclines that link lower ground levels with higher ones. Players will usually find at least one choke point. Choke points can be used to block opponents through the use of units or buildings in that area.

If a player has control over a choke point, this gives them an advantage and also allows a smaller group to take a stand against one that is larger in number. Keep in mind that if your units linger in a position for too long the opponent may decide to flank your units from an unexpected direction.

Units passing through a choke point will not be able to establish a large concave of firing units, thus less units will be able to fire. If your units are outside a choke point they can establish such a concave and thus they can inflict more damage on the opponent than they can on your forces.