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Why Map Control Is Important In StarCraft 2

In any game where you have to out think your opponent in order to succeed, there has to be a plan on how best you can do that. If you do not have a plan on the best way to beat your opponent, you are likely to become the victim by the end of each game. With this understanding, it is important to understand map control if you expect to win online.

In this game, the long-term focus is usually on the best way to expand your resource harvesting operations and therefore be able to harvest as many minerals and gas as you can. A major problem that many people face is the risk of running out of resources to spend on units to take on the opponent that will be trying to prevent you from getting to the resources that you dearly need.

In quite a few cases, the eventual winner is the player who started planning and scheming on how to win right from the beginning and adapted to the changing situation. It is very unlikely that you can just play blindly as the game proceeds and suddenly emerge the winner. If you do this, you may waste all your resources and perish when disaster strikes in the latter stages of the game.

Unit and building positioning is crucial to controlling as much of the map as possible. When positioning your units you'll need to take into account elements of the terrain such as choke points and high ground. You should also scout your opponent's forces to find out where they are positioned as well.

You may be surprised to notice your opponent playing in a complacent manner right at the start of the game. Unless if you expand yourself or attack your opponent you will fall further behind in your economy.

Any player who is unable to defend their expansions and ensure they can get some resources in good time may not be able to get any once the enemy gets their economy rolling and a much larger army out on the field. It is therefore important to try to control as much of the map as possible when expanding in order to keep the enemy away from your bases.

There are cases where you might receive a severe blow and if you did not secure enough resources to replenish the lost units and buildings, you are likely to suc[censored] b to the severe blow.

After a careful analysis of the game, it is easy to realize that the game is often won at the latter stages by the player who was able to secure the best positions during the earlier parts of the game. That is why it is very important to know how to control the map with your units and buildings so that you can have the benefit of having more territory in which to maneuver and expand.