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StarCraft 2 Team Playing Guide For Beginners

The goal of this team playing guide is to teach players how to play versus each other in teams. In this article we are going to discuss 2 versus 2 strategy. The strategy applied should not be one of directly countering the enemy's units alone but should be more of coming up with other synergistic strategies and combinations of units with the partner whom one is playing with.

Take an example of considering the Terran or even Protoss when one is looking to rush the enemy. The zealots can be used because they are a good rushing option but are not very great when countering roaches or certain ranged units. They also have a problem when trying to break down a wall but are very good when used against ground units.

The Marauders are very good when used against armored units and even the kiting units. They are able to deal with the armored units such as roaches and structures. They are also able to slow the enemies down so that they will not be able to kite zealots as easily.

A very nice two versus two strategy is to put focus on a combination of units that the opponents do not have a solid counter for yet. If one is playing versus Zerg, one could use air units to rush them while the ally defends the home base.

There is also another possibility known as resource trading. Let us take an example of Zerg where their common form of attack is the Speedling early in the game. One player could focus on harassing the other team while the other Zerg player focuses on their economy. After five minutes the Zerg player with the better economy can give some of their resources to the harassing Zerg player. Another possibility could be one Zerg player using more basic units while the other uses more advanced units such as Mutalisks, with resource trading ensuring that they get the particular resource that they need.

This provides several advantages to both players for example the Zergling player can rush and give his or her extra gas to the other player whereas the Mutalisk player can supply the extra minerals mined to the first player. This will make the team have a big supply of both resources. This of course is never possible when playing 1v1.

When one is planning a 2v2 strategy there are two main methods which one can adopt at the start, one is rushing and the other is to wall up. The approach which is to be used will highly depend on the maps and the race combinations that are being used by the players.

Players are also able to share control of units within their team, although this can lead to its own issues. Also if you wish to become fluent in team games then you should also be using a microphone to communicate with other players.