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Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 15 – The Earth Temple

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 15 – The Earth Temple

Head straight across the first set of platforms. Turn right and dig the dirt patch top find a steam vent. Take that up to get a red rupee. Head straight across to find one half of the duo from outside. His partner has gone missing and he wants you to help you out. You can dig the dirt patches around him as well. The one on the left has a Red Chuchu in it while the others have treasure inside them.

Head back to the main platform and go left now. Take the broken staircase up and cross to the bit of the same stairway using the rising and falling platforms on the magma geysers. Timing is somewhat important for those jumps so be wary. Once on the platform, head to both ends and hack at the stick in the mechanicism. This will start to lower the drawbridge but it will not go all the way down. The final one is just to the right of the drawbridge itself. Back up a little and send the beetle at it. Once the drawbridge is down, head across it to encounter your first Lizalfos. These are well trained fighters and can be very aggressive given the chance. On the defensive though you will find them lacking. If you play a very aggressive game against them you will find yourself victorious in short order. After the Lizalfos, turn your attention to the curious statue sitting in the magma. Pull out your slingshot and hit one of the bomb flowers on it to cause an eye to pop out from it.

With this eye you can start to freely explore this magma area. Head over to the right to find Ledd, the other half of the explorer duo. He explains that he dropped his bomb bag behind the pile of rubble nearby him and he wants you to retrieve it for him. Move a bit past him and slip through the hole in the fencing that is behind Ledd. You will find a number of Bomb Flowers and Bokoblins. Kill the Bokoblins then grab a bomb flower and roll it out through the hole in the fence. Head through the new opening and open the door beyond it. Inside you have a nice fight ahead of you, a pair of Lizalfos. It is not much harder than taking on a single Lizalfos so just focus on one and keep attacking it. Once you defeat them you will have a pair of lizard tails and a chest containing a Bomb Bag. Go back to the previous room and talk with Ledd. He will give you the bomb bag after you have a little chat with him. Start away from Ledd and he will give you five bombs. Head through the hole in the fence once again to collect more bombs. Head up the ladder in the area and cross over to the other high area. Dig to get some money and a fairy if you need it. Hop back on the eye and head for the other end of the chamber.

Once at the opposite side of the entrance, climb onto the platform that is on the magma geyser. Set a bomb on the far edge of the platform as it sinks down. This should be the proper timing so that as the platform rises again it will blast the rubble and clear the way to the treasure chest behind the rubble.

Now head for the platform in the center of the area, to your left. Use the Save Statue then head up the stairs opposite. Pull out a bomb and throw it onto the rubble. It should stay there until it detonates so you only need to worry about the Fire Keese that may come after you. Cross all the way over after the rubble clears and defeat the Lizalfos. Head through the door that it was guarding. Head forward from there. You have Magma Splume spitting bits of magma at you. You can shield bash these to stop all damage from them or just dodge them. Head to the right to kill the Bokoblin then keep going to the left. Head back to the center, kill the Bokoblin to your left if you want, and ride the platform upwards. You will face a trio of Bokoblins up there but they should be getting easier to deal with now. Behind them is a chest with the dungeon map. Head back out of this room.

Return to your stone eyeball in the center. Roll it to the right and through the broken bridge to reach a small island with a treasure chest on it. From there, return to the eye and roll it to the left, toward the switch that is ahead. Hop back on the eye afterwards and head back to the center platform to go to the other side of it. Roll over the Magma Splume and look to the right of where it was, close to the magma line. You will see a small crack in the wall. Throw two bombs at it to reveal a passage. Head on through it. Pass by the first wall spout, roll over the Magma Splume and hop off onto the platform on the right. Inside this room you will find a number of bomb flowers and two dig spots. One tends to give up hearts while the other has a Red Chuchu inside it. Head on forward after you stock up here, past the second wall spout. You will find a metal platform blocking your way with a Bokoblin on it. Kill the Bokoblin then hop back on the eye. Look to where the second spout empties and you will see another small crack that needs two bombs. Blast it open and a small swarm of Fire Keese will attack you. Defeat them then head through the opening. When you reach the next spout go left. You will find the way blocked by a red gate. Pull out the beetle and aim at the top of the gate. Send it off and sever the rope that is there. This will start to move the gate but not enough. Move back a bit and send the beetle through the nearby passageway. Keep it high to avoid the Bokoblins that are hiding out in there and bring it back to the gate to sever the rope on the other side of the gate. Now roll on through the opening. Hop off onto the platform on your left and head up the slope, dealing with the Bokoblins. After them you will find a Save Statue. Save and head back to your ye. You need to now make it past a wall spout that spits out lava at intervals. When it stops is your chance to get on through. On the other side you have a narrow winding course ahead of you. Just move carefully and you will not fall over the edge. On the far side you make it back to the main chamber. Hop off on the left to face down a Lizalfos and claim a red rupee. Now roll the eye over to the second switch that is by where the Magam Splume is. This will clear the way into the next chamber.

Head on up the passage. In the next room you have a steep slope that you need to run up. For now, aim to get to the alcove that is half way up on the left. As you run up you will find the boulders are rolling down at you so keep on your toes and be mobile. Once you make it to the alcove you do not need to worry about boulders for the rest of the run.

You now reach a plateau where you can rest before the next slope with boulders. Look up at the slope and the needed alcove is blocked by boulders. Hop over to the base of the slope and look to the right. You will see a hole in the fence, head through it. If you need bombs, collect some from the bomb flowers on the left, otherwise head over to the second dirt patch and dig it to find a Steam Vent. Use to reach the platform above. Take the stairs up to the balcony that overlooks the slope. Pull out a bomb and through it at a 45 degree angle from the balcony. This should make it so it will explode close enough to the alcove to clear it of rubble. Now head down the stairs and it is time to dash up the slope. Get to the alcove and rest there. From there you need to make a second dash that will take most of Link's Stamina. At the top you will find the door leading to the boss.

Now it is time to find the carving, head up the stairs case to the left of the statue, after you save. Now you need to go up the slope. At the top of the slope you will find the chest with a dragon sculpture inside it. Grab it and start on your way down. A boulder will crash down behind you which you must outrun or die. Dash down the slope, collecting the fruit to keep Link running. As the slope levels take a brief moment to stop and get yourself onto the staircase and ensure your survival.

Head over to the door now and it is time to rotate the statue to fit into the slot. Twist it toward you and a little to the right to unlock the door. Time for the second boss fight! Head on forward into the room you find yourself in. At the top of the stairs you just climbed you will find some heart and bomb flowers. Fi will appear and tell you that Zelda was recently held here but escaped. Restock on health and bombs then go across the bridge that is nearby. The Demon Lord makes an appearance and vents at Link. After this, he sets one of his minions on you.

First Phase
Get to the top of the boss area. Scaldera will roll past you. Wait for it to open its mouth, run up and throw a bomb into it. It will explode and stun Scaldera. Now close the distance, bring out your sword and slash away until it recovers. As it takes more damage, it will start to change its simple attack pattern from moving some, inhaling, and spitting fireballs, to moving to the top of the area, rolling down at you, then doing the fireball attack. This will only happen if you manage to let Scaldera get above you.

Given the chance, it will enter into a second phase where it is almost dead. It gets to this phase when all the rock on its body has been knocked off.  It also means just a few more slashes and it will die. When it gets here, Scaldera will be able to go all the way to the top of the boss area and come rolling down at you. Just wait for it open its mouth again and throw a bomb in there and slash it to pieces.

Head on up the slope afterwards and through the door. Link and Zelda have a brief reunion before her guard intervenes. She encourages Link to be more prompt and head onto his own trails. After, head through to the Spring and hit the Emblem with a Skyward Strike to get the Amber Tablet and a message conveyed through Fi, giving you the next destination.

Time to return to the Goddess Statue in Skyloft and put in the final piece of the tablet.