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Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Returns Guide: Dead Dunes Side Quest Guide

Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Returns Guide: Dead Dunes Side Quest Guide

Lightning Returns Guide

It isn’t an RPG without a desert to explore and conquer. In Lightning Returns you will have to go into the Dead Dunes for the main story so why do the side quests when you are there? This guide will help you find them and get through them with no trouble at all! Let’s get started.

Dead Dunes Side Quests

Kill Monsters

This is a work in progress so I am doing it as I go. I think new quests becomes unlocked as you progress into the game.

Flower in the Sands – This is a quest found at the Canvas of Prayers. You need to get a desert rose which can be found after you kill a Earth Eater. You can find them during the main story quest in the area.

Biologically Speaking – This is a quest found at the Canvas of Prayers. You will need to find some Desert Sahagins while you are out in the desert. Wait for them to rush you then guard yourself right before they strike to stagger them.

Banned Goods – This is a quest found at the Canvas of Prayers. You will need to kill some Goblots and you will get the hairballs when they die. They are all over the desert so this one won’t take long to complete.


Climbing the Ranks 1 – This is a quest found at the Canvas of Prayers. You will need to get some Dead Men’s teeth by killing skeletons in the ruins. You can find them during the main story no problem.

Lizard Tail – This is a quest found at the Canvas of Prayers. You will need to attack lizards walking around the desert and collect the tails that they drop.

Pride and Greed 1 – This is a quest found at the Canvas of Prayers. While you are exploring the ruins you will find some skeleton statues that you can break with melee attacks. Break them and collect the loot under them to find the quest items you will need.

Supply and Demand – This is a quest found at the Canvas of Prayers. You will need 5 more lizard tails to complete this quest.

His Wife’s Dream – You can get this quest from Ramon in front of the Temple Ruins North Gate Entrance. I got this one after I beat the main story quest for the area. He wants you to find a Arithomometer which you can find near the Grave of the Colossi. There is a path that goes off to the left on the map and in that area you will have three monsters to kill. Once you kill them you get the item.


For My Child – This is a quest found at the Canvas of Prayers. You will need to kill a Cactuar and when you beat it you will get the doll for the quest. The easiest way to catch one is to box them into a corner and attack it there.

Climb The Ranks 2 – This is a quest found at the Canvas of Prayers. This time you will need 20 teeth to beat the quest. Kill as many skeletons as you need.

That will end the Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Returns: Dead Dunes Side Quest Guide, check back soon for updates!