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Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 16 – Lanayru Mine

Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 16 – Lanayru Mine

Before you dive back down to the surface of Hyrule, take some time to collect all the Goddess Chest you recently opened. Be sure to visit the Item Check to swap your Metal Shield for the Wooden Shield (or Banded Shield). If you have not upgraded your Wooden Shield, make that a priority before you head for the Desert. That upgrade makes a big difference. Take a moment to visit the Lumpy Pumpkin to work some on your debt if you collected the piece of heart there. Be sure to stop by the Goddess Statue and put in the final piece of the tablet. Once that is done, you are all set to dive.

Once on the surface and you have heard what Fi had to say, turn around and drop off the pillar. There is a Goddess Cube right there waiting for you. Now turn around and head for the proper path in front of you. Just head on forward. Your path will eventually be blocked by a mine cart. Start pushing it to clear the path for yourself. Once it drops, follow it down. You will now have to fight a pair of Yellow Chuchus. This are a bit tougher than normal as they electrify themselves. During this time all swinging at that will do is hurt Link. Once they stop sparking is when you want to attack them. Continue forward and go left into the open courtyard. There you will see an interesting stone in the middle. Before you strike it, use the beetle to collect any high up goodies. Now strike the stone. Things are about to happen.

Once everything has changed, head to the mining cart that you passed on the way in. Push it into the time-shifted area. Now ride it to its conclusion. To the left you will find an Ancient Flower, a handy crafting item. You need one for the story but no more than five for your crafting needs. Now grab the nearby bomb flower and roll it into the pile of stones near where you found the Ancient Flower. It will reveal another Time Stone. Hit it as well to replace the field you activated in the other room. You can only have one such field active at a time. Now grab another bomb flower and throw it into the arms of the statue that is to the right of the plant. Head through the opening that you made.

Here you will find a new hazard, quicksand. Just as you approach the sand, two Yellow Chuchus will come at you. Kill them once they stop sparking. Dash over to the first platform on your left, pull out a bomb and throw it into the statue's arms. Repeat this on all the statues to ensure easy passage in the future. Do note there are some Keese in this room. Repeat this with the statue opposite you to find some money and a few useful bugs. Now just dash platform to platform to reach the next room.

In here you need to cross to the other side of the room avoiding the Electro Spumes. This can lock you down for a moment and if you are crossing the sand sea that will suck you down giving the chance. Once on the other side, head up the slope and go to the left. You will find a bomb flower and a few piles of rubble. Roll bombs across the quicksand to destroy all the piles of rubble. This reveals a time stone on the far side of the quicksand. Now arm yourself with the beetle and fly it over to the time stone to hit it and activate it.

Defeat the Quadro Baba that appears over the new solid quicksand. Beyond it you will find an ancient flower on the right. Now continue to the left and hop over to the treasure chest. Drop down from the platform. Explore this lower area some to potentially find more Ancient Flowers.  Push the mine cart, over on the far right side of the room, into the time shifted area. Now hop into the cart to go deeper into the mine.

This will deposit you in front of the Lanayru Desert itself. Fi gives you a quick run down of the area, explaining just what to expect attempting to reach the temple at the far end. There is a save statue to your right, take advantage of it.