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Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 17 – Lanayru Desert

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 17 – Lanayru Desert

All of the mine was just a warm up and tutorial for this section. Here you can also gather the final pieces to fully upgrade your shield from Banded to Braced. You will need to catch two tumbleweeds with your bug net. These appear randomly throughout the area so just keep a hand ready for them.

Head down the slope to encounter a new enemy type, Ampilus. These are not too hard to deal with as long you know something about them. Their main attack is to rev up their shell, electrify it, and come charging at Link. Properly manipulated these can help you reach higher areas, but it is very hard to do. Approach them so they roll into their shell then run for the nearest pillar or corner. Climb up on a pillar or go around the corner, and they will roll into it and be stunned. Use this time to hit their head three times.

At the bottom of the slope, after you deal with the Ampilus, head to the left. Behind the buildings there you will find three cages, one of which has some stones in it. Climb the nearby building and pull out a bomb. You want to throw one into that cage with the stones in it. This has the added bonus of a treasure chest being on top of it. Hop from the roof to the nearby cage to easily just throw the bomb inside it. Drop back to the ground and charge up a skyward strike. This will shift this area into the past and you will encounter another new enemy, the Technoblin. These have annoying rods that will electrocute you when they successfully block your attacks. This calls for more precision when fighting therm. Once you defeat the pair, the robot will upgrade your beetle to a Hook Beetle. This one has the ability to carry things which you can then drop later on in the flight. Get some practice with this new tool using the nearby statue. Behind each you will find some rupees. Now head along to the left to find more statues to bomb. Take a moment to also bomb the Electro Spume that is in the Quicksand. Cross over the quicksand as usual to the far side. Hold up at the far side.

The reason to hold up is simple, Hroks. These are those massive birds perched on the trees. These have long flying and are very territorial. If you step into their marked zones, they will not stop until either you are very far away or they coughed up a boulder on you. Worse is only their shadow will really give much of a hint they are coming. Take advantage of the various bomb flowers around to just kill the one that is to the right. Now head safely to the left. You will find another Bomb Flower on top of a tree before a sea of quicksand. You will see two Ampilus patrolling the sands as well as an Eletro Spume. Bomb the Spume and the first Ampilus. Dash over to the Ampilus shell and rest there then dash over to the first island. Now use the Hook Beetle to bomb the second Ampilus. The closer you can get it to Link's island, the better, as this one can reach out to the very edge of what Link can safely reach on the quicksand. From there make another dash to the next island. There you can use a Skyward Strike on a Goddess Cube. Now dash back to the Ampilus shell and from there onto the next island and through the archway to the left.

Through the archway is a save statue. Use it then head up the ledge to the left of it. Head to the far end of it and push the cart over the ledge. This ensures you do not have to use the quicksand sea again to cross. Now return to the Save Statue and pull out the Hook Beetle. Use it to grab the Bomb Flower on top of the cactus and drop it on the nearby Ampilus. Dash over to the shell before it drifts too far away, rest, then wait until you are closer to the far end of the quicksand sea. Dash onto one of the islands and then make your way over to solid ground. Once again, head to the left, climbing up ledges and jumping across platforms to push a mine cart down. This creates another handy shortcut that you can use. Now head through the archway and into the tunnel.

Head forward to the save statue. Now go to the right and use the Hook Beetle to trigger the Time-Stone and shift the area. A Techoblin will come charging after you once the field is in place. Defeat it then hop into the mine cart and ride it to the other side of the gulch. You can also launch the Hook beetle to the right to deal with a second Technoblin and possibly grab another Ancient Flower. Now look to the left. There is a large structure there, an old Tree Stump, and in it is a Red Gem (in the central lower portion) and a Time-Stone (in the upper part of it). To trigger the time, you will need to use the Hook Beetle to grab the nearby Bomb on top of the Cactus and drop it into the top of the stump. Hit both of these in any order to proceed forward.

On the far side, near the pile of rubble blocking the way to the temple, you find your Goron friend. He explains there was a massive explosion that sealed off the entrance to the Temple of Time and there are no other ways in. Time to look for a way to change time around. Head back a bit toward the cart and stop at the cactus with the bomb flower on top of it. Pull out the Hook Beetle and fire it off toward the bomb flower. Grab the bomb and fly it over to the second pile of rubble up on the pillars. This will reveal another Time-Stone. Fly the Hook Beetle into it to shift the field to where you are now. Beat the Techoblins that are in the area and then talk with the robot hiding behind the cart. It explains that the Temple of Time and the Lanayru Mining facilities are connected underground so you just need to get the marked spot on the map to start making your way into the Temple of Time. Hop into the mining cart it was by and ride it as far forward as you can. Now pull out the Beetle and fly it into the Time-Stone on the far side of the gap. This moves the field and will allow you to get a shot at the Goddess Cube that is right alongside the path. Be sure to check along the edge to see if there is an Ancient Flower there. As you head forward in the mining cart, charge a skyward strike and unleash it as you pass it by.

As you move forward, expect to deal with a few Octoroks that are hiding along the path. Defeat them and head through the opening in the wall. Ahead you can see a Hrok so pull out the Hook Beetle and fire it off to the left, toward the tree with the Bomb Flower. Drop the Bomb on the Hrok to ensure your safe passage through this area. Consult your map regularly as you can safely cross the quicksand using the old walkways that are marked on the map. You cannot see them since they sunk into the sand itself. Zoom in to get the best idea of where it is safe to walk. Walk a bit on one of the paths and Fi will grant you additional beacons that you can place. Use these to mark the path leading to the wall with the “X” on it. Once on the wall, turn to the right, and you will see another Bomb Flower on a tree and another Hrok. You know what to do to ensure your safe travel. After the Hrok is dealt with, head over to the “X” to find the generator. You need to get it into the past so head over to the piles of rubble and drop a bomb between them to reveal a Time-Stone. Hit the stone, kill the Technoblins then talk with the robot. It will tell you that you need to activate the three remote nodes to open the way into the Mining Facilities.

Power Node 1
Head to the south from the Generator. You will see two statues in the nearby wall. Use rthe Beetle to bomb them to open the passage to the first of the power nodes. Be sure to blast the wall next to the left statue as well to have access to the Time-Stone that rests in there. Walk over there using the submerged path and hit the Time-Stone. Now head into the next chamber and talk with the robot to learn more how to work these nodes. While it will not tell you outright it does hint that stabbing will work on it. Thrust the Goddess Sword in, twist it to the left, and push “A” to push it in.

Power Node 2
Head to the north of the Generator now. Follow the walkway forward to the wall to find a crack in it. Blast it open to reveal the facility containing the second power node. This one has more of a puzzle to it. First off, do not kill the nearby Ampiluses if you can help it, you need them for a little later. Move forward onto the metal platforms and use your bombs to blast the rubble away. Once you clear the rubble on the middle platform it will reveal a Time-Stone. You can dash over there and use your sword or remote trigger it with your Hook Beetle. This will cause the room to change drastically and revert the  Ampiluses to their egg form which will be more useful to you for now. There are, of course, Technoblins in the area so kill those. Explore around a little to find some chest with rupees in them. Now head into the back of the chamber. You will find a gate and a strange machine to the right of it. You need to get power in there to open the gate. The ampilus eggs will do the trick as they periodically emit charges of electricity. Stand on the switch then fire off the Hook Beetle, find the closest  ampilus egg and fly it into the small opening in the machine. This will raise the gate, giving you access to the second part of the facility. Once again, thrust the sword into the node, twist it, and push it in. Now go ahead and leave the facility.

Power Node 3
Once you are outside, look to the left. You will see a pillar with a Bomb Flower and a Hrok not too far from it. Blast the Hrok to clear your path. Head left along the submerge walkway then turn southwest along the walkway. Follow the path southward, making for the building in the southeast corner. Before you head in, go for the lower portion of the southern wall. You will find a switch that will create a shortcut back to the start of the Desert Area. Now turn around and head for the entrance of the Power Node Building.

Once inside, head over to the left and start making your way across the quicksand to the north. Once you get above the middle, roll a bomb into the pile of rubble there. It will reveal the Time-Stone, but do not trigger it yet. With some luck, the blast also killed the Ampilus that was nearby. Hop onto its shell and ride it to the far north end of the room. Now head up onto the boxes on the left and go to the treasure chest to claim something good. Now fire off the Hook Beetle toward the Time-Stone. Once again, use the Hook Beetle to move an  Ampilus egg into the generator for the gate. Now head inside and once again activate the node. Be sure to collect the treasure chest in the room as well.

Make for the Power Generator now to finish this part out. The final puzzle is a bit tricky as you must align each of the three symbols properly. From the starting potion, twist it first three left to align the water symbol. Now twist it completely to the right to align the Fire Symbol. Return it to the starting position to align the Lightning Symbol. Climb the stairs that appear to get into the Mining Facility itself.